Faculty Development Programs
May 8, 2023 2024-11-20 11:13Faculty Development Programs
Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty Development Programs
1 | 2019-20 | Y. DEVIKA RANI | Cyber security | Sridevi Women’s enginnering college, Hyderabad | 04-05-2020 |
2 | 2021-22 | Y. DEVIKA RANI | NBA Accreditation and Teaching Learning Process in Engineering | Swami Keshavanad Institute of Technology | 15-11-2021 to 19-11-2021 |
3 | 2022-23 | Y. DEVIKA RANI | ICT Tools for Teaching and Research | PDPM Indian Istitute of Information Techno;ogy, Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur, India | 05-12-2022 to 17-12-2022 |
4 | 2022-23 | Y. DEVIKA RANI | Applications of AI and DATA SCIENCE | BVC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING | 12-12-2022 TO 17-12-2022 |
6 | 2022-23 | Y. DEVIKA RANI | Data Science and Chat GPT | K L Deemed to be University | 15-05-2023 to 19-05-2023 |
7 | 2021-22 | K. Ramkumar | NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning Process in Engineering | Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur | 15-11-2021 to 19-11-2021 |
8 | K. Ramkumar | Enhancing Quality by unearthing innovative practices – EQUIP -2022 | IQAC of mannar tirumalai naicker college & APC mahalaxmi college for women | 18-04-2022 to 24-04-2022 | |
9 | K. Ramkumar | Advanced Problem-Solving using Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Department of Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML) | 25-04-2022 to 30-04-2022 | |
10 | K. Ramkumar | Cloud Computing | NPTEL | Jan to Apr 2022 | |
11 | 2022-23 | K. Ramkumar | Amazon web services | BVC College of engineering | 22-08-2022 to 27-08-2022 |
12 | K. Ramkumar | ICT Tools for Teaching and Research | PDPM InDIan InstItute of InforMatIon technology, DesIgn anD ManufacturIng, JabalPur, InDIa | 5-12-2022 to 17-12-2022 | |
13 | K. Ramkumar | Deep Learning | NPTEL | Jan to Apr 2023 | |
14 | 2022-23 | V.Guru Kumar | Recent Tools & Technologies for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence | Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, Madanapalle | 19.09.2022 to 26.09.2022 |
2022-23 | V.Guru Kumar | Amazon web services | BVC College of engineering | 22-08-2022 to 27-08-2022 | |
15 | 2022-23 | ANGARA SATYAM | Societal Applications of Machine Learning | Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women(A). | 26-12-2022 to 30-12-2022 |
16 | 2022-23 | ANGARA SATYAM | Recent Trends in Cyber Security and Machine Learning | Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women(A). | 01-06- 2022 to 05-06-2022 |
17 | 2021-22 | ANGARA SATYAM | Cyber Security & Digital Forensics | ATAL | 06-12-2021 to 10 -12- 2021 |
18 | 2021-22 | ANGARA SATYAM | Data Analytics and Machine Learning | ATAL | 20-09-2021 to 24-09-2021 |
19 | 2021-22 | ANGARA SATYAM | Machine Learning Using Python | APSSDC | 16-08-2021 to 04-09-2021 |
20 | 2021-22 | ANGARA SATYAM | Applications of Machine Learning | Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women(A) | 15-06-2021 to 19-06-2021 |
21 | 2020-21 | ANGARA SATYAM | Effective Research Writing using LaTeX | Pragati Engineering College | 22-06-2020 to 27-06-2020 |
22 | 2020-21 | ANGARA SATYAM | Python 3.4.3 | Pragati Engineering College | 08-06-2020 to 13-06-2020 |
23 | 2020-21 | ANGARA SATYAM | Python for Data Science | Raghu Engineering College(A) | 01-06-2020 to 05-06-2020 |
24 | 2019-20 | ANGARA SATYAM | Developing Python GUI Application using PyQt5 | Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology | 25-05-2020 to 29-05-2020 |
25 | 2019-20 | ANGARA SATYAM | Boss Linux – Ubuntu Operating System | Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College of Engineering | 15-04-2020 to 21-04-2020. |
26 | 2018-19 | ANGARA SATYAM | Programming in Java | NPTEL-AICTE | Jan-Apr 2019 |
27 | 2017-18 | ANGARA SATYAM | Introduction to Internet of Things | NPTEL | Jan-Apr 2018 |
28 | 2015-16 | ANGARA SATYAM | database Design and Programming with SQL | ORACLE ACADEMY | 19-10-2015 |
29 | 2020-21 | E V ASHOK KUMAR | One-Day International Workshop on Angular JS to develop web apps faster | Brainovision Solutions India Pvt. Ltd | 26/06/2020 |
30 | 2020-21 | E V ASHOK KUMAR | Python Programming | APSSDC. | 24/08/2020 TO 05/11/2020 |
31 | 2021-22 | E V ASHOK KUMAR | Internet of Things | AICTE Training and Learning | 25/10/2021 TO 29/10/2021 |
32 | 2022-23 | E V ASHOK KUMAR | Data Science for Engineers | VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology. | 23/01/2023 TO 28/01/2023 |
33 | 20222-23 | SATYANARAYANA MEDA | Data Science and Chat GPT | K L Deemed to be University | 15-05-2023 to 19-05-2023 |
34 | 2019-20 | K SURENDRANATH | “R- Programming” | 30-04-2020 TO 5-05- 2020 | |
35 | 2020-21 | K SURENDRANATH | One Week online Faculty Development Program on“PYTHON 3.4.3” | 08-06-2020 TO 13-06-2020 | |
36 | 2021-22 | K SURENDRANATH | “Machine Learning and Data Science” | 31-08-2021 TO 04-09-2021 | |
37 | 2021-22 | K SURENDRANATH | “Applications of Machine Learning” | 15-06-2021 TO 19-06-2021 | |
38 | 2020-21 | K SURENDRANATH | APSSDC ONLINE FDP ON INTERNET OF THINGS | 13-07-2020 TO 25-07-2020 | |
39 | 2021-22 | K SURENDRANATH | “NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning Process in Engineering” | 15-11-2021 TO 19-11-2021 | |
40 | 2021-22 | K SURENDRANATH | COMPUTER SECURITY AND DIGITAL FORENSICS | 17-03-2022 TO 21-03-2022 | |
41 | 2021-22 | K SURENDRANATH | Ability and Inability of AI” | 21-06-2021 TO 25-06-2021 | |
42 | 2022-23 | D Vijaya Lakshmi | Data Science and Chat GPT | K L University | 15-05-2023 TO 19-05-2023 |
43 | 2022-23 | P CHALAPATHI RAO | Research Paper writing, Proposal drafting, and Patenting Strategies | MADANAPALLE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE | 22-05-2023 TO 26-05-2023 |
45 | 2022-23 | K UMA DEVI | Data Science for Engineers | VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology | 23-01-23 TO 28-01-23 |
46 | 2022-23 | K UMA DEVI | “APPLICATIONS OF AI , ML AND DATA SCIENCE” | KITS | 12-12-2022 TO 17-12-2022 |
47 | 2022-23 | K UMA DEVI | IP Awareness/Training program | NIPAM | 04-01-2023 |
48 | 2018-19 | S.DHANUMJAYA | Data Science and Big data analytics | BVC college of Engineering College, Odalarevu | 6-08-2018 TO 12-08-2018 |
49 | 2018-19 | S.DHANUMJAYA | Big Data Computing | NPTEL | aug-oct(2018) |
50 | 2018-19 | S.DHANUMJAYA | IT-Essential Instructor Training | Cisco Networking Academy and State Board of Technical Education | 21st Jan to 24th Jan 2019. |
51 | 2019-20 | S.DHANUMJAYA | CCNA R&S(Module 1&2) | Cisco Networking Academy and State Board of Technical Education | 28th June to 7th July 2019 |
52 | 2019-20 | S.DHANUMJAYA | CCNA R&S(Module 3&4) | Cisco Networking Academy and State Board of Technical Education | 20th may to 29th may 2019 |
53 | 2021-22 | S.DHANUMJAYA | MULTI TECHNOLOGIES | Dept.of.CSE ,BVCR | 28th June to 03rd July 2021 |
54 | 2020-21 | K.Naga Nirmala | OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION | SREE VENKATESWARA COLLEGE ,JNTUA | 29-7-21 to 5-8-21 |
55 | K.Naga Nirmala | Cyber Security | ATAL Academy | 18-5-20 to 22-05-20 | |
56 | K.Naga Nirmala | E-LEARNING | ESWAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,JNTUK | 11-05 to 15-05 | |
57 | K.Naga Nirmala | Web and Mobile Apps Development | HIDDEN BRAINS | 19-01-2015 to 24-03-2019 | |
58 | 2017-18 | R N V VISHNU MURTHY | cloud Computing and Cyber Security | JNTU Kakinada | March 2018 |
59 | 2018-19 | R N V VISHNU MURTHY | Data Science and Big Data Analytics | The E & ICT Academy, NIT Warangal at BVC Engineering College | 6th -12th aug-2018. |
60 | 2019-2020 | R N V VISHNU MURTHY | Cyber Security | AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy | 30th Apr to 4th May 2020 |
61 | 2019-2020 | R N V VISHNU MURTHY | Cyber Security and Digital Forensics | ISTS, GONUGUDEM | 21st – 23rd may 2020 |
62 | 2019-2020 | R N V VISHNU MURTHY | Cyber security | Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology (Autonomous) in association with SUPRAJA Technologies | 23-05-2020 to 27-05-2020 |
63 | 2021-22 | R N V VISHNU MURTHY | Outcome Based Education | SREE VENKATESWARA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING | 29th july-5th aug 2021 |