Department Library Computer Science & Engineering Home / Departments / Computer Science & Engineering / Department Library About CSE Department Vision and Mission PEO, PO, PSO’s Process of Defining Vision , Mission & PEO’s Outcome Based Education(OBE) VR23 REGULATIONS Mapping PO/PSO Attainment Content Beyond Syllabus Curricular Gaps Teaching & Learning Process DAC PAQIC Head of Department Faculty Profile Academic Calendars Student Admissions Success rate Academic Performance Academic Toppers Student Certifications Student Projects Student Awards Faculty Achievements Workshops Faculty Development Programs Conferences Research Publications Webinars Faculty Certifications Faculty Awards Patents Books and Book Chapters Infrastructure Dissemination of Vision , Mission & PEO’s Circulars Feedbacks Feedback on Curriculum Feedback on Facilities Employer Feedback Alumni Feedback Parent Feedback Exit Feedback Department Student Associations Department Placements Student Achievements Internships Student Activities Innovations in Teaching & Learning Academic Audit Academic audit(ATR) Annual Technical Magazine Self- Learning Counseling Scheme Industrial Visits Membership Bodies Department Library Distinguished Alumni Faculty Performance Appraisal and Development System(FPADS) Visiting Faculty Gallery About CSE Department Vision and Mission PEO, PO, PSO’s Process of Defining Vision , Mission & PEO’s Outcome Based Education(OBE) VR23 REGULATIONS Mapping PO/PSO Attainment Content Beyond Syllabus Curricular Gaps Teaching & Learning Process DAC PAQIC Head of Department Faculty Profile Academic Calendars Student Admissions Success rate Academic Performance Academic Toppers Student Certifications Student Projects Student Awards Faculty Achievements Workshops Faculty Development Programs Conferences Research Publications Webinars Faculty Certifications Faculty Awards Patents Books and Book Chapters Infrastructure Dissemination of Vision , Mission & PEO’s Circulars Feedbacks Feedback on Curriculum Feedback on Facilities Employer Feedback Alumni Feedback Parent Feedback Exit Feedback Department Student Associations Department Placements Student Achievements Internships Student Activities Innovations in Teaching & Learning Academic Audit Academic audit(ATR) Annual Technical Magazine Self- Learning Counseling Scheme Industrial Visits Membership Bodies Department Library Distinguished Alumni Faculty Performance Appraisal and Development System(FPADS) Visiting Faculty Gallery Department Library Replete with all required titles, department library plays a key role in the sharing of information. The library is open from 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM on all days except public holidays. All competitive exam materials are available in the library.Students are having the facility to read in the department library after collage working hours up to 5 PMAll subject text books are available to borrow from the library.Department library comprises of textbooks of all related subjects for the convenience of the students. Total number of titles: 874 S. No.AreaNo. of Volumes1.C PROGRAMMING742.OOPs through Java333.Data Structures974.Computer Networks615.Computer Organization156.Compiler Design257.Database Management Systems 318.Data mining and Data ware housing269.Software Engineering8910.Others423 TOTAL 874