Course Outcomes

Computer Science & Engineering

Course Outcomes

COURSE: C111 : English
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C111.1Displaying past culture, tradition, speaking English in real life situationsL4
C111.2Determining the admonitions of a father to his daughter, answering a series of questions, greetings and leave takingsL2
C111.3Summarizing  Stephen Hacking’s contribution, writing letters on various contexts , writing cover letters, CVs, E-mail etiquetteL3
C111.4Explaining the struggles of Wangari Maathai’s life and seeking permissions, requesting, Inviting.L4
C111.5Examining the life of Steve job’s life story and  formal writing academic proposals, research articles, Technical VocabularyL4
COURSE: C112 : Mathematics – I
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C112.1Utilize mean value theorems to real life problems.L3
C112.2Solve the differential equations related to various engineering fieldsL3
C112.3Solve the differential equations related to various engineering fields.L3
C112.4Familiarize with functions of several variables which is useful in optimization.L3
C112.5Apply double integration technique in evaluating areas bounded by the region.L5
COURSE: C113 : Applied Chemistry
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C113.1The advantages and limitations of plastic materials and their use in design would be understood. Analyze the different types of composite plastic materials and interpret the mechanism of conduction in conducting polymers.L1
C113.2Utilize the theory of construction of electrodes, batteries and fuel cells in redesigning new engineering products. Reasons for corrosion and some methods of corrosion control would be understood.L2
C113.3Semi-conductance phenomenon is better understood. The students would be now aware of materials like nano-materials and fullerenes and their uses. Similarly liquid crystals and superconductors are understood.L3
C113.4Obtain the knowledge of computational chemistry and molecular machines.L2
C113.5Analyze the principles of different analytical instruments and their applications and obtain the knowledge of spectroscopy and the students are exposed to non-conventional energy sources.L3
COURSE: C114 : Fundamentals of Computer Science
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C114.1Illustrate the concept of input and output devices of ComputersL2
C114.2Relate the basic terminology used in computer programmingL1
C114.3Recognize the Computer networks, types of networks and topologiesL2
C114.4Summarize the concepts of Operating Systems and Databases.L2
C114.5Recite the Advanced Computer Technologies like Distributed Computing & Wireless Networks.L3
COURSE: C116 : English Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C116.1Explaining consonants, vowels, plural marker rules, past tense and pronunciation.L4
C116.2Categorizing the rules of syllable, aspiration pronunciation rules, word stress and accent in poly syllabic word.L2
C116.3Experimenting on Rhythm, tone and intonationL3
C116.4Illustrating common errors in pronunciation and Accent neutralization.L4
C116.5Demonstrating word stress and accent in poly syllabic word.L4
COURSE: C117 : Applied Chemistry Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C117.1Titrating the given sample (acid-base titration) to get quantitative analysis L3
C117.2Titrating the given sample (redox titration)to get quantitative analysis L3
C117.3Titrating the given sample (complexometric titration)to get quantitative analysis L3
C117.4Conductometric titration to get the neutralization point of the given sampleL6
C117.5potentiometric titration to get the neutralization point of the given sampleL6
C117.6Preparation of some complex compounds L6
COURSE: C118 : IT Workshop
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C118.1Assemble and disassemble components of a PCL6
C118.2Summarize various Linux operating system commandsL2
C118.3Learn and practice programming skill in Github, Hackerrank, Codechef, HackerEarthL2
C118.4Recognize characters & extract text from scanned images, Create audio files and podcastsL2
C118.5Create video tutorials and publishing, Use office tools for documentation, Build interactive presentations, Build websites, Create quizzes & analyze responsesL3
COURSE: C119 : Environmental Science
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C119.1The concepts of the ecosystem and its function in the environment. The need for protecting the producers and consumers in various ecosystems and their role in the food web.L2
C119.2The natural resources and their importance for the sustenance of the life and recognize the need to conserve the natural resources.L1
C119.3The biodiversity of India and the threats to biodiversity, and conservation practices to protect the biodiversity.L2
C119.4Various attributes of the pollution and their impacts and measures to reduce or control the pollution along with waste management practices.L1
C119.5Social issues both rural and urban environment and the possible means to combat the challenges. The environmental legislations of India and the first global initiatives towards sustainable development. About environmental assessment and the stages involved in EIA and the environmental audit.L3
COURSE: C121 : Mathematics – II
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C121.1Develop the use of matrix algebra techniques, system of linear algebraic equations using gauss elimination, gauss Jordan, gaussseiedel.L5
C121.2Finding inverse and power of a matrix by caley-Hamilton theorem.L4
C121.3Evaluating approximating the roots of polynomial and transcendental equations by different algorithms.L5
C121.4Apply Newton’s forward & backward interpolation and Langranges formula for equal and unequal intervals.L3
C121.5Apply different algorithms for approximating the solutions of ordinary differential equations to its analytical computation.L3
COURSE: C122 : Mathematics – III
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C122.1Interpret the physical meaning of different operators such as gradient,curl& divergence. Estimate the work done against a field,circulation and flux using vector calculusL5
C122.2Apply the Laplace transform for solving differential equationsL5
C122.3Compute the Fourier series of periodic signals & to apply integral expressions for the forwards and inverse Fourier transform to a range of non-periodic waveformsL3
C122.4Identify solutions methods for partial differential equations that model physical processesL3
C122.5Solve linear partial differential equations with constant coefficientsL3
COURSE: C123 : Applied Physics
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C123.1Understand the principles of optics phenomena like Interference, concepts of coherent sources.L2
C123.2Working knowledge of the Quantum Mechanics postulate on the physical system.L3
C123.3Identify the role of classical and free electron theory in the study of electrical conductivityL3
C123.4Understand the physics of Semiconductors and their working mechanism.L2
C123.5Apply the concept of magnetism to magnetic devicesL3
COURSE: C124 : Programming for Problem Solving using C
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C124.1Apply the fundamendals of Computer,C language and Comprehend the general structure of C ProgramL3
C124.2Make use of Bitwise operators,Decission and Looping statements to design efficient C programL3
C124.3Design an application using the concept of Arrays ,Strings,Enumerated,Structures and Union to solve real world problemL6
C124.4Apply the concept of Processor commands, pointer & it’s applicationsL3
C124.5Analyze the concept of functions and file management to support reusabilityL4
COURSE: C125 :  Digital Logic Design
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C125.1Shows the conversion among different number systems,binary number systems and error correcting codesL1
C125.2Familiar to baisc logic gates — AND, OR & NOT, XOR, XNOR; Independently or work inteam to build simple logic circuits using gates and Understand Boolean algebra and basic properties of Boolean algebra.L2
C125.3Build to design simple combinational logics using baisc gates. Able to optimize simple logic using Karnaugh maps, understand “don’t care”.L3
C125.4Solve the basic combinational logic using adders,decoders,encoders and multiplexersL3
C125.5Analyzethe basic sequential logic components: SR Latch, D Flip-Flop and their usage and able to analyze sequential logic circuitsL4
COURSE: C126 :  Applied Physics Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C126.1Apply the basic concepts of light and and to determine wave length of monochromatic light by using diffraction gratingL3
C126.2Apply the relation between magnetic and electric fields by Stewart-Gees apparatusL3
C126.3Applying Semiconductor properties and determine energy band gap of P-N junction diodeL3
C126.4Apply the concepts of mechanics to determine rigidity modulus of a material by using Torsional pendulumL3
C126.5Apply the basic concepts of laser and techniques for the diffraction grattingL3
COURSE: C127 :  Communication Skills Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C127.1Explaining JAM, Hypothetical Situations, Self/Peer Profile Common Errors in Pronunciation, Neutralising Accent.L3
C127.2Categorizing the rules of : Telephonic Etiquette, Role Plays Poster PresentationsL2
C127.3Experimenting on Oral Presentation skills, Public speaking Data InterpretationL4
C127.4Illustrating Group Discussions: Do’s and Don’ts- Types, ModalitiesL3
C127.5Demonstrating: Interview Skills: Preparatory Techniques, Frequently asked questions, Mock Interviews. Pronunciation: Connected speech (Pausing, Tempo, Tone, Fluency etc.,)L3
COURSE: C128 : Programming for Problem Solving using C Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C128.1Identify the commonly used operations and apply control statements 1-4L3
C128.2organize the data in one , two or multi dimentions arrays and also apply in-built string handling function 5-8L3
C128.3apply the pointers, memory allocation techniques on arrays 9-14L3
C128.4Analyzing the complexity of problems, Modularize the problems into small modules and then convert them into programs 15L4
C128.5Create file and store the real time data permenantly using filesL6
COURSE: C1210 : Constitution of India
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C1210.1Understand historical background of the constitution making and its importance for building a democratic India.L2
C1210.2Understand the functioning of three wings of the government ie., executive, legislative and judiciary.L2
C1210.3Understand the value of the fundamental rights and duties for becoming good citizen of IndiaL2
C1210.4Analyze the decentralization of power between central, state and local self-government.L4
C1210.5Apply the knowledge in strengthening of the constitutional institutions like CAG, L3
COURSE: C211 : Mathematical Foundations of Computer
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C211.1Explain the difference between Propositional logic and predicate logic.Understanding
C211.2Illustrate by examples the basic terminology of functions,relations and sets and demonstrate knowledge of their associated operations.Understanding
C211.3Solve the problems related to fundamental theorems.Applying
C211.4Demonstrate in practical applications the use of basic counting principles of permutations, combinations, inclusion or exclusion principle and the pigeonhole methodology.Understanding
C211.5Solve problems involving recurrence relations and generating functionsApplying
COURSE: C212 : Software Engineering
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C212.1Explain Software process and Process models.L1
C212.2Explain Requirement analysis and specification and Software design.L2
C212.3Construct Function-Oriented software design and Identify User Interface design.L3
C212.4Develop Coding and Perform Testing.L4
C212.5Evaluate Software reliability and Quality management.L2
COURSE: C213 : Python Programming
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C213.1Develop essential programming skills in computer programming concepts like Data
types, Expression and Decision structures and Boolean logic.
C213.2Apply the basics of Control Statement,Strings and Text filesL4
C213.3Understand the List and Dictionaries , Design with Function and Modules:L6
C213.4Solve coding tasks related to the fundamental notions and techniques used in File oprations,
object- oriented programming and Design with Classes
C213.5Apply and Analyze Errorsb& Exception Handling and Graphical User InterfacesL3
COURSE: C214 : Data Structures 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C215.1Understanding of the Data Structures,Searching and SortingL2
C215.2Understanding the concepts of Linked List and its applicationsL2
C215.3Compare Queues,Stacks and Explain applicationsL4
C215.4Classify Trees and Explain applicationsL4
C215.5Apply algorithms for Graphs and its ApplicationsL3
COURSE: C215 : Object Oriented Programming through C++
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C215.1Why name of the operator can’t be overloaded and what are there?[Remembering]L1
C215.2How to write a program to implement single inhertance with public access specific [ Remembering]L1
C215.3Justify the pure virtual functions? [ Evaluating]L5
C215.4Explain the overloaded a function and function template? [ Understanding]L2
C215.5Develop a C++ program that illustrate exeception handling with the help of keyword:try,throws and catch? [ Understanding]L2
C215.6List the different types of access specifiers support by c++?(Remembering)L1
COURSE: C216 : Computer Organization
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C216.1Develop a detailed understanding of computer systemsL3
C216.2Classify different number systems, binary addition and subtraction, standard, floating-point, and micro operationsL2
C216.3Develop a detailed understanding of architecture and functionality of central processing unitL3
C216.4Exemplify in a better way the I/O and memory organizationL5
C216.5Illustrate concepts of parallel processing, pipelining and inter processor communicationL2
COURSE: C217 :  Python Programming Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C217.1Develop essential programming skills in computer programming concepts like data types, containersL3
C217.2Apply the basics of programming in the Python languageL3
C217.3Solve coding tasks related conditional execution, loopsL3
C217.4Solve coding tasks related to the fundamental notions and techniques used in object-oriented programmingL3
COURSE: C218 : Data Structures through C++ Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C218.1Apply the various OOPs concepts with the help of programs.L3
C218.2Implement sorting and searching algorithms,stacks and queues using arrays Develop programs using recursive functions.L3
C218.3Apply concepts of linked lists.L3
C218.4Develop programs using concepts of trees.L3
COURSE: C221 : Probability and Statistics 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C221.1Classify the concepts of data science and its importanceL2
C221.2Interpret the association of characteristics and through correlation and regression toolsL4
C221.3Make use of the concepts of probability and their applicationsL3
C221.4Design the components of a classical hypothesis testL6
C221.5Infer the statistical inferential methods based on small and large sampling testsL3
COURSE: C222 : Java Programming
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C222.1Students are able to categorizing the operators, control statements and programming paradigmsL2
C222.2Students are able to dividing the real time problems into classes and objectsL4
C222.3Students are able to Demonstrate the concept of polymorphism and inheritenceL2
C222.4students are able to implement error handling techniques using exception handlingL3
C222.5students are able to prepare the threads and JDBC connectionL3
COURSE: C223 : Operating Systems
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C223.1Describe various generations of Operating System and functions of Operating SystemL2
C223.2Apply the concept of program, process, and thread to analyze various CPU Scheduling Algorithms and compare their performance.L3
C223.3Solve Inter Process Communication problems using Mathematical Equations by various methodsL3
C223.4Compare various Memory Management Schemes especially paging and Segmentation in Operating System and apply various Page Replacement TechniquesL3
C223.5Evaluate the performance and reliability of file systems in UNIX/Linux and WindowsL6
COURSE: C224 : Database Management Systems
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C224.1Describe a relational database and object-oriented databaseL2
C224.2Create, maintain and manipulate a relational database using SQLL3
C224.3Describe ER model and normalization for database designL2
C224.4Examine issues in data storage and query processing and can formulate appropriate solutionsL4
C224.5Outline the role and issues in management of data such as efficiency, privacy, security, ethical responsibility, and strategic advantageL2
COURSE: C225 : Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C225.1Understanding Automata Concept and Types of Automata,Designing and their equivalences and applicationsL3
C225.2Regular Expressions and Equivalences, concept of formal languages and Chomsky Hierarchy, problems on inter conversionsL3
C225.3Context free grammer and languages and simplificationsL3
C25.4Push Down automata (PDA) with one and two stacks and designing and its applications,problems on designing  of PDAL3
C225.5Turing Mechine (TM) concepts and designing and un-decidability, problems on designing TML3
COURSE: C226 : Java Programming Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C226.1Evaluate default value of all primitive data type, Operations, Expressions, Control-flow, StringsL5
C226.2Determine Class, Objects, Methods, Inheritance, Exception, Runtime Polymorphism, User defined Exception handling mechanismL5
C226.3Illustrating simple inheritance, multi-level inheritance, Exception handling mechanismL2
C226.4Construct Threads, Event Handling, implement packages, developing appletsL6
COURSE: C227 :UNIX Operating System Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C227.1To use Unix utilities and perform basic shell control of the utilitiesL3
C227.2To use the Unix file system and file access controlL3
C227.3To use of an operating system to develop softwareL3
C227.4Students will be able to use Linux environment efficientlyL3
C227.5Solve problems using bash for shell scriptingL3
COURSE: C228 : Database Management Systems Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C228.1Utilize SQL to execute queries for creating database and performing data manipulation operationsL3
C228.2Examine integrity constraints to build efficient databasesL4
C228.3Apply Queries using Advanced Concepts of SQLL3
C228.4Build PL/SQL programs including stored procedures, functions, cursors and triggersL3
COURSE: C311 : Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C311.1 Understand stages in building a Data Warehouse        L2
C311.2Explain the need and importance of preprocessing techniques       L3
C311.3Understand the different frequent pattern analysis techniques L2
C311.4Differentiate the performance of various classification methods using performance metrics L4
C311.5 Analyze Classification and Clustering algorithmsL4
COURSE: C312 : Computer Networks
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C312.1Illustrate the OSI and TCP/IP reference modelL2
C312.2Analyze MAC layer protocols and LAN technologiesL4
C312.3Design applications using internet protocolsL6
C312.4Classify routing and congestion control algorithmsL4
C312.5Develop application layer protocolsL3
COURSE: C313: Compiler Design
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C313.1Analyze different phases and passes of Compiler, and specifying different types of tokens by lexical analyzer, and also able to use the Compiler tools like LEX, YACC.L4
C313.2Understanding Parser and its types i.e. Top-down and Bottom-up parsers.l2
C313.3Construction of LL, SLR, CLR and LALR parse table.L6
C313.4Explain Various Runtime Environment Techniques.L5
C313.5Discuss on the Techniques for Code optimization.L6
COURSE: C315 : Computer Graphics
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C315.1What are the basic geometric primitives like transformations, Area filling, Clipping In the concept of computer graphics primitives.L1
C315.2Define 3 Transformations like 3-D Viewing and 3-D Visible surface identificationL1
C315.3Define different types of colors, like RGB, CMYK, HSV and YIQ etc. (Remembering) L1
C315.4How to draw shades in 3-D objectsL1
C315.5Tell about ray Tracing and Camera Viewing anglesL1
COURSE: C316: Computer Networks Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C316.1Apply the basics of Physical layer in real time applicationsL3
C316.2Apply data link layer concepts, design issues, and protocolsL3
C316.3Apply Network layer routing protocols and IP addressingL3
C316.4Implement the functions of Application layer and Presentation layer paradigms and ProtocolsL3
COURSE: C318 : Data Mining Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C318.1Able to select mining algorithms as a component to the exiting tools.L2
C318.2To build models to mining techniques for realistic data.L2
COURSE: C319 : Employability Skills -II*
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C319.1Identify and analyze an ethical issue in the subject matter under investigation or in a relevant fieldL4
C319.2Identify the multiple ethical interests at stake in a real-world situation or practiceL4
C319.3Articulate what makes a particular course of action ethically defensibleL2
C319.4Assess their own ethical values and the social context of problemsL4
C319.5Identify ethical concerns in research and intellectual contextsL3
C319.6Demonstrate knowledge of ethical values in non-classroom activitiesL1
COURSE: C321 :  Web Technologies
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C321.1Illustrate the basic concepts of HTML and CSS & apply those concepts to design static web pagesL2
C321.2indentify and understand various concepts related to dynamic web page and validate them using java scriptL3
C321.3categorize the concepts of extensible markup languages & AJAXL4
C321.4devolop web page using scripting language & frameworkL3
C321.5build and deploy secure, usable database driven web aplications using PHP and RUBYL3
COURSE: C322 : Distributed Systems
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C322.1Develop a familiarity with distributed file systemsL3
C322.2Define important characteristics of distributed systems and the salient architecturalL1
C322.3learn features of distributed  systemsL2
C322.4Describe the features and applications of important standard protocols which are usedindistributed systemsL5
C322.5Gaining practical experience of inter-process communication in a distributed environmentL4
COURSE: C323 : Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C323.1Able to understand the performance of a given algorithm using the asymptotic notation,Sets Disjoint set union and Basic Traversal & Searching TechniquesL2
C323.2Able to analyze Divide & conquer and greedy algorithmic approacheL4
C323.3Able to understand  Dynamic programming approachesL2
C323.4Able to explain the backtracking and branch and bound algorithmic approachesL2
C323.5Able to explain the  NP- Completeness theory and String MatchingL2
COURSE: C324 : Professional Elective -II (Information Retrieval Systems)
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C324.1Understand  the basics of Information RetrievalL2
C324.2Define the data structures like Inverted Indices used in Information retrieval systemsL1
C324.3Understand different techniques for compression of an index including the dictionary and its posting listL2
C324.4Understand different formatting tags, cross-language information retrievalL2
C324.5 Determine the efficiency and develop a complete IR system from ScratchL5
COURSE: C326 : Managerial Economics and Financial
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C326.1 Equipped with the knowledge of estimating the Demand and demand Elasticity’s for a product. 

C326.2Students are able to Analyse the concepts of production, cost & break even analysis.L4
C326.3Students are able to compare the price of a product or services under any market                                                               
conditions and assess various types of business and business cycles.                                                               
C326.4Students are able to prepare accounting concepts and able to analyze                                                                 L4
C326.5 Students are able to solve capital and the capital budgeting issues.                                                                L3
COURSE: C327 : Web Technologies Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C327.1analyze and apply the role of languages like HTML. CSS, XMLL4
C327.2interepret javaScript, PHP and protocols in the working of the web and web applicationsL5
C327.3apply web applications terminologies, interent tools, e- commerce and other web servicesL3
C327.4devolop and analyze dynamic web applications using php and mysqlL6
COURSE: C411 : Cryptography and Network Security
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C411.1Classify the symmetric encryption techniques.L2
C411.2Explain encryption and decryption of different block ciphers.L2
C411.3Illustrate various public key cryptography techniques.L2
C411.4Evaluate the authentication and hash algorithmsL5
C411.5Define authentication applicationL1
C411.6What is the intrusion detection and its solutions to overcome the attacks.L1
COURSE: C412 : UML & Design Patterns
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C412.1Illustrate software design with UML diagramsL2
C412.2Design software applications using OO conceptsL6
C412.3Identify various scenarios based on software requirementsL3
C412.4Apply UML based software design into pattern based design using design patternsL3
C412.5Illustrate the various testing methodologies for OO softwareL2
COURSE: C413 : Machine Learning
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
C413.1List the characteristics of machine learning that make it useful to real-world Problems. L1
C413.2Explain the machine learning algorithms as supervised, semi-supervised, and Unsupervised. L2
C413.3Explain heard of a few machine learning toolboxes. L2
C413.4How to use Linear models and Distance Based Models for solving the real world problems.  L1
C413.5How to Learn the concepts in Bayesian analysis from probability models and methods. L1
C413.6Demonstrate the concept behind neural networks for learning non-linear functions. L2
COURSE: C414: Open Elective -II Embadded Systems
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C414.1Understand the concepts of embedded systems.L2
C414.2Understand the concepts in Embedded Hardware Design.L2
C414.3Understand the Embedded Firmware Design concepts.L2
C414.4Examine the different concepts of RTOS.L4
C414.5Applying acquired knowledge to Embedded System Development procedure.L3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C415.1apply athe process to be followed in the software development life- cycle modelsL3
C415.2apply the concepts of project management & planningL3
C415.3implement the project plans through managing people, communications and changeL3
C415.4inspect activities necessary to successfully complete and close the software projectsL4
C415.5inplement communication, modeling and construction & deployment practices in software developmentL3
COURSE: C416 :Professional Elective- IV Cloud Computing
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C416.1Interpret the key dimensions of the challenge of Cloud ComputingL2
C416.2Examine the economics, financial, and technological implications for selecting cloud computing for own organizationL4
C416.3Assessing the financial, technological, and organizational capacity of employer’s for actively initiating and installing cloud-based applicationsL5
C416.4Evaluate own organizations’ needs for capacity building and training in cloud computing related IT areasL5
C416.5Illustrate Virtualization for Data-Center AutomationL2
COURSE: C417 : UML Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C417.1Demonstrate the installation of OOAD Software.L2
C417.2Implement the UML Diagrams for various DomainsL3
C417.3Create UML designs for LMS, POS & OBS using the building blocks of UMLL6
COURSE: C419 : IPR & Patents
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C419.1Understanding of the scope for protecting his/ her novel creations.L1
C419.2Identify the scope of incorporating practical research within the predefined experimental / research designs.L3
C419.3Ability to critically analyse the inventiveness of his/her work over the prior art available.L4
C419.4Able to choose for IPR protection primarily before the conventional mode of protection like scientific publicationL3
C419.5Able to select effective decision regarding use of other’s intellectual property for conducting his/her research and the ways of making it non infringing.L1
COURSE: C421 : Management and Organizational Behavior
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C421.1After completion of course the student will develop the knowledge on management functions, global leadership and organizational structure.L3
C421.2Will explain with the concepts of functional management that is HRM and Marketing of new product developmentsL2
C421.3The learner is able to think in strategically through contemporary management practices.L4
C421.4The learner can develop positive attitude through personality development and can equip with motivational theories.L3
C421.5The student can attain the group performance and grievance handling in managing the organizational culture.L3
COURSE: C423: Professional Elective-V Devepos
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C423.1Enumerate the principles of continuous development and deployment, automation of configuration management, L2
C423.2Enumerate the inter-team collaboration, and IT service agilityL4
C423.3Demonstrate DevOps & DevSecOps methodologies and their key conceptsL2
C423.4Identify the types of version control systems, continuous integration tools, continuous monitoring tools, and cloud modelsL3
C423.5Show up complete private infrastructure using version control systems and CI/CD toolsL2
COURSE: C111 : English -1
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C111.1Develop their knowledge different fields and serve the society accordingly.L6
C111.2develop extensive reading skill and comprehension for pleasure and profit.L6
C111.3Understand road safety measures whatever be the mode of transport.L2
C111.4Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of technology.L4
C111.5 Get awareness to the usefulness of animals for the human society.L2
C111.6Identifying safety measures against different varieties of accidents at home and in the workplace. L3
COURSE: C112 : Mathematics – I
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C112.1Solve the differential equations related to various engineering fieldsL3
C112.2Solve the differential equations related to various engineering fields.L3
C112.3Apply the Laplace transform for solving differential equationsL5
C112.4Familiarize with functions of several variables which is useful in optimization.L3
C112.5Identify solutions methods for partial differential equations that model physical processesL3
C112.6Solve linear partial differential equations with constant coefficientsL3
COURSE: C113 : Mathematics – II
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C113.1Calculate a root of algebraic and transcendental equations. Explain relation between the finite difference operators.L2
C113.2Compute interpolating polynomial for the given dataL3
C113.3Solve ordinary differential equations numerically using Euler’s and RK methodL4
C113.4Find Fourier series and Fourier transforms for certain functions.L2
C113.5Identify/classify and solve the different types of partial differential equations.L3
COURSE: C114 : Applied Physics
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C114.1Understand the principles of optics phenomena like Interference, concepts of coherent sources.L2
C114.2Gain knowledge of physical optics phenomena like diffraction to design instruments with higher resolution.L6
C114.3Apply the principles of optics in Polarization, designing optical devices like Polarimeters and understand the Principles of Lasers.L3
C114.4Analytical concepts of EM Waves and their propagation.L4
C114.5Working knowledge of the Quantum Mechanics postulate on the physical system.L3
C114.6Understand the physics of Semiconductors and their working mechanism.L2
COURSE: C115 : Computer Programming
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C115.1Understand the basic terminology used in computer programmingL2
C115.2Explain how to Write, compile and debug programs in C language.L2
C115.3Explain different data types in a computer program.L2
C115.4Design programs involving decision structures, loops and functions.L6
C115.5Explain the difference between call by value and call by referenceL2
C115.6Understand the dynamics of memory by the use of pointers • Use different data structures and create/update basic data files.L2
COURSE: C118 : Applied Physics Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C118.1Estimate the wavelength of LASER Source using diffraction gratingL3
C118.2Apply the concepts of mechanics to determine rigidity modulus of a material by using Torsional pendulumL3
C118.3Determine thickness of a paper with the concept of interferenceL3
C118.4Verify the laws of vibrations in stretched string using SonometerL3
C118.5Apply the relation between magnetic and electric fields by Stewart-Gees apparatusL3
C118.6Calculate the band gap of a given semiconductorL3
COURSE: C119 : Computer Programming Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C119.1To Understand the basic concept of C Programming, and its different modules that includes conditional and looping expressions, Arrays, Strings, Functions, Pointers, Structures and File programming. L2
C119.2Adapt knowledge about the basic concept of writing a programL6
C119.3Understanding Role of constants, variables, identifiers, operators, type conversion and other building blocks of C Language.L2
C119.4Applying conditional expressions and looping statements to solve problems associated with conditions and repetitions.L3
C119.5Understanding Role of Functions involving the idea of modularity.l2
C119.6Applying different data structures and create/update basic data files.L3
COURSE: C122 : Mathematics – III
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C121.1Develop the use of matrix algebra techniques, system of linear algebraic equations using gauss elimination, gauss Jordan, gaussseiedel.L5
C121.2Finding inverse and power of a matrix by cayley-Hamilton theorem.L4
C121.3Apply double integration technique in evaluating areas bounded by the region.L5
C121.4Evaluation of beta and gamma function.L4
C121.5Calculate gradient of a scalar function, divergence and curl of a vector function.L5
C121.6Determine line, surface and volume integrals. Apply Green, Stokes and Gauss divergence theorems to calculate line, surface and volume integrals.L5
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C123.1The advantages and limitations of plastic materials and rubber their use in design would be understood.L1
C123.2Fuels which are used commonly and their economics, advantages and limitations are discussed.L1
C123.3Reasons for corrosion and some methods of corrosion control would be understood.L2
C123.4The students would be now aware of advanced materials and their uses.L2
C123.5The students would be now aware of crystal structures and semiconductors.L3
C123.6The students are exposed to some of the alternative fuels and their advantages and limitations.L3
COURSE: C124 : OOPS through C++
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C124.1Understand the basic terminology used in computer programmingL1
C124.2Understanding how to Write, compile and debug programs in C language. Use different data types in a computer program.L1
C124.3Design programs involving decision structures, loops and functions.L6
C124.4Explain the difference between call by value and call by referenceL2
C124.5Develop a C++ program that illustrate exeception handling with the help of keyword:try,throws and catch? [ Understanding]L2
C124.6List the different types of access specifiers support by c++?(Remembering)L1
COURSE: C125 : Environmental Science
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C125.1The concepts of the ecosystem and its function in the environment. The need for protecting the producers and consumers in various ecosystems and their role in the food web.L2
C125.2The natural resources and their importance for the sustenance of the life and recognize the need to conserve the natural resources.L1
C125.3The biodiversity of India and the threats to biodiversity, and conservation practices to protect the biodiversity.L2
C125.4Various attributes of the pollution and their impacts and measures to reduce or control the pollution along with waste management practices.L1
C125.5Social issues both rural and urban environment and the possible means to combat the challenges. The environmental legislations of India and the first global initiatives towards sustainable development.L2
C125.6About environmental assessment and the stages involved in EIA and the environmental audit.L3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C127.1Titrating the given sample (acid-base titration) to get quantitative analysis L4
C127.2Titrating the given sample (redox titration)to get quantitative analysis L4
C127.3Titrating the given sample (complexometric titration)to get quantitative analysis L4
C127.4Conductometric titration to get the neutralization point of the given sampleL6
C127.5potentiometric titration to get the neutralization point of the given sampleL6
C127.6Preparation of some complex compoundsL6
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C129.1Explain whatconstitutesanobject-oriented approachtoprogrammingandidentify potential benefits of object-oriented programming over other approaches.L2
C129.2Apply an object-oriented approach to developing applications of varying complexitiesL3
                                                                   COURSE: C211 :     Statistics with R programming  
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C211.1Discuss R basicsL6
C211.2Explain programming in RL5
C211.3Apply mathematical functions and I/O functions in RL3
C211.4Compare different graphical forms of dataL2
C211.5Discuss Statistical methodsL6
C211.6Apply different Regression methods to model dataL3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C212.1Explain the difference between Propositional logic and predicate logic.L5
C212.2Illustrate by examples the basic terminology of functions,relations and sets and demonstrate knowledge of their associated operations.L2
C212.3Solve the problems related to fundamental theorems.L3
C212.4Demonstrate in practical applications the use of basic counting principles of permutations, combinations, inclusion or exclusion principle and the pigeonhole methodology.L2
C212.5Solve problems involving recurrence relations and generating functionsL3
C212.6Simplify and apply graph theory in solving computer science problems.L4
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C213.1Shows the conversion among different number systems,binary number systems and error correcting codesL1
C213.2Familiar to baisc logic gates — AND, OR & NOT, XOR, XNOR; Independently or work inteam to build simple logic circuits using basic AND Understand BooleanN algebra and basic properties of Boolean algebra.L2
C213.3build to design simple combinational logics using baisc gates. Able to optimize simple logic using Karnaugh maps, understand “don’t care”.L3
C213.4Solve the basic combinational logic using adders,decoders,encoders and multiplexersL3
C213.5Analyzethe basic sequential logic components: SR Latch, D Flip-Flop and their usage and able to analyze sequential logic circuitsL4
C213.6Utilize the basic shift registers,ripple countersL3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C215.1Experience with an interpreted Language.L1
C215.2Flow of program executionL2
C215.3Organiging data logicallyL2
C215.4Utilization of implicit packagesL3
C215.5To build software for real needs.L6
C215.6Prior introduction to testing softwareL2
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C215.1Recall basic techniques of object oriented principles and can Apply Arrays to build Polynomials and Sparse matricesL3
C215.2Demonstrate Stacks, Queue and can Evaluate ExpressionsL5
C215.3Design Linked lists using Dynamic memory managementL6
C215.4Apply data structures into the applications such as binary search trees,Threaded binary treesL3
C215.5Estimate distance between paths using Shortest path algorithms & Minimum Spanning treeL6
C215.6Choose various sorting techniques for given problem .L6
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C216.1What are the basic geometric primitive’s like transformations, Area filling, Clipping In the concept of computer graphics primitives.L1
C216.2Define 3 Transformations like 3-D Viewing and 3-D Visible surface identification.L1
C216.3Define different types of colours, like RGB, CMYK, HSV and YIQ etc..L1
C216.4How to draw shades in 3-D objects.L1
C216.5How to create images by iterated functions, Mandelbrot sets- Julia Sets and Random Fractals.L1
C216.6Tell about ray Tracing and Camera Viewing angles.L1
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C217.1Recall basic techniques of object oriented principles and can Apply Arrays to build Polynomials and Sparse matricesL3
C217.2Demonstrate Stacks, Queue and can Evaluate ExpressionsL5
C217.3Design Linked lists using Dynamic memory managementL6
C217.4Apply data structures into the applications such as binary search trees,Threaded binary treesL3
C217.5Estimate distance between paths using Shortest path algorithms & Minimum Spanning treeL6
C217.6Choose various sorting techniques for given problem .L6
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C218.1Experience with an interpreted Language.L1
C218.2Flow of program executionL2
C218.3Organiging data logicallyL2
C218.4Utilization of implicit packagesL3
C218.5To build software for real needs.L6
C218.6Prior introduction to testing softwareL2
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C221.1To understand the principles & myths of software along with different software life cycle models and process models.L2
C221.2To analyze requirement gathering and SRS document along with design process.L4
C221.3To develop DFD ‘s and Object modeling notations along with user interfaces.L6
C221.4To identify errors and develop various testing strategy tools.L3
C221.5To determine and estimate the quality of software using CASE toolsL4
C221.6To determine the importance of software maintenance along with software reuse approachL5
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C222.1Build basics of Object Oriented ProgrammingL3
C222.2Classify the concept of object, class, and this keywordL4
C222.3Examine the concepts of inheritance, exceptions, packages and interfacesL4
C222.4Develop the programs using multithreadingL3
C222.5Develop the programs using applets and event handlingL3
C222.6Develop the programs using AWT componentsL3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C223.1Develop external sorting methods and file structure conceptsL3
C223.2Utilize symbol table using hashing techniquesL3
C223.3Construct priority queues using Binary heap and Binomial Queue and their applicationsL3
C223.4Analyze algorithms for Height balanced trees such as AVL trees, red-black trees.L4
C223.5Analyze algorithms for Height balanced trees B-trees and B+ treesL4
C223.6Develop algorithms for digital search trees, binary tries and patriciaL3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C224.1To Understand the architecture of modern computerL2
C224.2To analyze the Performance of a computer using performance equationL3
C224.3To Understand the different Instructions typesL2
C224.4To calculate the effective address of an operand by addressing modesL3
C224.5To understand how computer stores positive and negative numbers.L2
C224.6To Understand, how a computer performs arithmetic operation of positive and negativenumbers.L2
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C225.1Explain basic concepts in formal language theory,grammars, automata theory, computability theory, and complexity theory and basic properties of deterministic and nondeterministic finite automataL2
C225.2Ability to show the eqivalance of languages described by finite state machine and regular expressionL2
C225.3Develop the Context free languages and grammers, and also Normalising the CFG.L3
C25.4Explain the concept of Pushdown automata,equivalence between CFG and PDA and its application.L2
C225.5Analyze the basic properties of Turing machines and computing with Turing machinesL4
C225.6Define the concepts of tractibility and decidability ,the concepts of NP-completeness and NP-hardL1
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C226.1Examine syntax and semantics in formal notation.L4
C226.2Build the knowledge of data, data types, and basic statements in programming languagesL3
C226.3Develop the features of programming through subprogram constructsL3
C226.4Analyze the object – oriented, concurrency, and event handling programming constructs.L4
C226.5Develop the programming paradigms of modern programming languagesL3
C226.6Classify programs in different language paradigms.L4
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C227.1Explain the difference between internal sorting and external sorting.L2
C227.2Organize the data in some order for fast retrival.L3
C227.3Define binomial queues and binomial queue operationsL1
C227.4Compare and contrast AVL and RED-BLACK treeL4
C227.5Compare and contrast B and B++ tree and apply operationsL4
C227.6Apply different operations Digital search treesL3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C228.1Explain basics of Object Oriented ProgrammingL2
C228.2Students are able to explain the concept of object, class, and this keywordL2
C228.3Explain the concepts of inheritance, exceptions, packages and interfacesL2
C228.4Develop the programs using multithreadingL3
C228.5Develop the programs using applets and event handlingL3
C228.6Develop the programs using AWT componentsL3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C311.1Analyze the different phases and passes of CompilerL4
C311.2Classify different types of ParsersL2
C311.3Construct different types of parsing tables(SLR,CLR AND LALR)and design Syntax Directed Translations for various Language ConstructsL6
C311.4Construct the various forms of Intermediate CodesL6
C311.5Explain Various Runtime Environment Techniques.L5
C311.6Discuss on the Techniques for Code optimization.L6
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C312.1Discuss the architecture, networking and basic commands of UNIXL2
C312.2Implement various file processing commands used in UNIXL3
C312.3Develop Scripts and programs will demonstrate simple effective user interfaces.L3
C312.4Apply Regular expression to perform pattern matching using utilities like grep,sed and awkL3
C312.5Construct various shell scripts for simple applicationsL3
C312.6Explain the process management using system calls UNIX environmentL2
COURSE: C313: Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C313.1The analysis and design of software require well-organized and structured Defining the primitives of the object model paradigm by understanding the challenges ofobject model and applications.,approaches to manage the challenges of complexity.L4
C313.2Understand the purposes , major components and key mechanism of class and object diagram.L2
C313.3, Learn the basic elements of modeling in UML such as Things ,Relationships and Diagrams depending on the views of UML Architecture and SDLC.L3
C313.4Analyze Dynamic aspects of a software system using use-case , Interaction and Activity diagrams.L4
C313.5Apply techniques of state chart diagrams through a set of events , process and signals.L4
C313.6create real time application by using the basic elements in UML.L6
COURSE: C314 : DatabaseManagement Systems
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C314.1Explain the difference between file system vs database management system.L2
C314.2Develop the database tables and they can perform different types of operations on tables.L3
C314.3Perform mathematial operations on database tables and thay can develop the different types of data constraints.L3
C314.4Delete the data redundency.L6
C314.5Develop the database queries for data consistency.L3
C314.6Organize the data for fast retrival.L3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C315.1Analyze the sturucture of Operating systems and basic architectural components involved in Operating system design,Identify system call and their importanceL4
C315.2Illustrates how the processes interact with other processes and provides a good communication path for the processes to execute,Design various scheduling algorithmsL2
C315.3Compare and contrast various memory management schemes,Identify the necessity of virtual memory managementL4
C315.4to gain knowledge on the Operating system concepts that includes architecture ,mutual exclusion algorithms , deadlock detection algorithms and ,agreement protocols,Apply the principles of concurrencyL2
C315.5Identify how the files are accessed and shared,Interpret different file system structures and file allocation methodsL5
C315.6Understand the Android Operating system Internal and should perform administrative tasks on linux servers.L2
COURSE: C316: Unified Modeling Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C316.1The analysis and design of software require well-organized and structured Defining the primitives of the object model paradigm by understanding the challenges ofobject model and applications.,approaches to manage the challenges of complexity.L4
C316.2Understand the purposes , major components and key mechanism of class and object diagram.L2
C316.3Students should be able to learn the basic elements of modeling in UML such as Things, Relationships and Diagrams depending on the views of UML Architecture and SDLC.L3
C316.4Analyze Dynamic aspects of a software system using use-case , Interaction and Activity diagrams.L4
C316.5Apply techniques of state chart diagrams through a set of events , process and signals.L4
C316.6Students able to create real time application by using the basic elements in UML.L6
COURSE: C317 : Operating System & Linux Programmimng Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C317.1Analyze the sturucture of Operating systems and basic architectural components involved in Operating system design,Identify system call and their importanceL4
C317.2Illustrates how the processes interact with other processes and provides a good communication path for the processes to execute,Design various scheduling algorithmsL2
C317.3Compare and contrast various memory management schemes,Identify the necessity of virtual memory managementL4
C317.4to gain knowledge on the Operating system concepts that includes architecture ,mutual exclusion algorithms , deadlock detection algorithms and ,agreement protocols,Apply the principles of concurrencyL2
C317.5Identify how the files are accessed and shared,Interpret different file system structures and file allocation methodsL5
C317.6Understand the Android Operating system Internal and should perform administrative tasks on linux servers.L2
COURSE: C318 : DatabaseManagement System Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C318.1Explain the difference between file system vs database management system.L2
C318.2Develop the database tables and they can perform different types of operations on tables.L3
C318.3Perform mathematial operations on database tables and thay can develop the different types of data constraints.L3
C318.4Delete the data redundency.L6
C318.5Develop the database queries for data consistency.L3
C318.6Organize the data for fast retrival.L3
COURSE: C319 : Professional Ethics & Human Values
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C319.1Identify and analyze an ethical issue in the subject matter under investigation or in a relevant fieldL4
C319.2Identify the multiple ethical interests at stake in a real-world situation or practiceL4
C319.3Articulate what makes a particular course of action ethically defensibleL2
C319.4Assess their own ethical values and the social context of problemsL4
C319.5Identify ethical concerns in research and intellectual contextsL3
C319.6Demonstrate knowledge of ethical values in non-classroom activitiesL1
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C321.11.Independently understand basic computer network technology. 2.Identify the different types of network topologies and protocols. 3.Enumerate the layers of the OSI model and TCP/IP.L1
C321.21.Establish of physical connection to the network and with transmission and reception of signals 2.Knowing different types of transmission medium used 3. Student can able to know in which formate(stream of bits) data is being tranmitted from physical layer to next layerL2
C321.31.Designing data frames 2.Illustrating datalink protocols 3. Make use of datalink protocols to transmit data framesL3
C321.4Analyze MAC layer protocols and LAN technologiesL2
C321.51.How to swiching packets from one layer to next layer 2.Distinguish between Connection oriented sevices and connection less service. 3.Implementing routing and congetion control algorithmL2
C321.61.Demonstration of how internet works 2.Identify the Different types of Internet protocols usedL3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C322.1Discuss the roles that data mining plays in various fields and manipulate different data mining techniques.L6
C322.2Apply preprocessing statistical methods for any given raw dataL3
C322.3Discover intersting patterns from large amounts of data to analyze and extract patterns to make classification of outcomes.L4
C322.4Analyze data by applying baysiean classifierL4
C322.5Apply different techniques to form Association rulesL3
C322.6Analyze data by applying clustering algorithms.L4
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C323.1Develop Algorithms for various computational problems and analyze time and space complexities of analgorithmsL3
C323.2Construct Sorting and Searching algorithms using Divide and conquer approachL3
C323.3Apply Greedy method with heuristic approach in tracing the optimal solution from local optimal solution.L3
C323.4Compare the benefits of using Dynamic programming over Greedy methodL2
C323.5Solve problems using Backtracking strategyL3
C323.6Relate real time problems that exploit Branch and Bound methodL2
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C324.1Explain the basic concepts of testing, path testing and sensitization.L2
C324.2List Transaction flows techniques and transaction flow structures and their test databases.L1
C324.3Demonstrate Domains and Interfaces testing.L2
C324.4Illustrate Path expression and KV Charts and their specifications.L2
C324.5What is the State Graphs, transistion testing and Testability Tips.L1
C324.6Develop and test the applications manually by applying different testing methods and automation tools.L3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C325.1Apply the concepts of INTERNET OF THINGS and its vision and Technologies behind IOT SourcesL3
C325.2Identify the different technology and its reference modelsL3
C325.3Apply IOT to different applications.and analyze the design principles of IOTL3
C325.4Analysis and evaluate protocols used in IOTL4
C325.5Design and develop smart city in IOTL6
C325.6Analysis and evaluate the data received through sensors in IOTL4
COURSE: C326 : Network Programming Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C326.11.Independently understand basic computer network technology. 2.Identify the different types of network topologies and protocols. 3.Enumerate the layers of the OSI model and TCP/IP.L1
C326.21.Establish of physical connection to the network and with transmission and reception of signals 2.Knowing different types of transmission medium used 3. Student can able to know in which formate(stream of bits) data is being tranmitted from physical layer to next layerL2
C326.31.Designing data frames 2.Illustrating datalink protocols 3. Make use of datalink protocols to transmit data framesL3
C326.4Analyze MAC layer protocols and LAN technologiesL2
C326.51.How to swiching packets from one layer to next layer 2.Distinguish between Connection oriented sevices and connection less service. 3.Implementing routing and congetion control algorithmL2
C326.61.Demonstration of how internet works 2.Identify the Different types of Internet protocols usedL3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C327.1Tell What is the purpose of software testing and Identifying the strategies and Distinguish the dichotomies of the testingL4
C327.2Determine the transaction flow’s from the graph and What are the strategies applied in data flow testing.L5
C327.3Explain the different domains for the domain testing and also demonstrate the path expressions, path products.L2
C327.4Demonstrate in practical applications the use of basic counting principles of permutations,combinations,inclusion or exclusion principle and the pigeonhole methodology.L5
C327.5Identifying the good and the bad state graphs for the testability Tips.L3
C327.6Improve skills on how to use modern software testing tools to support software testing projects.L6
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C328.1Able to select mining algorithms as a component to the exiting tools.L1
C328.2to build models to mining techniques for realistic data.L3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C329.1Distinguish and Explain various forms of IPRsL4
C329.2Identify criteria’s to fit one’s own intellectual work in particular form of IPRsL2
C329.3Apply statutory provisions to protect particular form of IPRsL3
C329.4Analyse rights and responsibilities of holder of Patent, Copyright, Trademark, Industrial Designetc.L4
C329.5Identify procedure to protect different forms of IPRs national and international levelL2
C329.6Develop skill of making search using modern tools and techniquesL6
COURSE: C411 : Cryptography and Network Security
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C411.1Classify the symmetric encryption techniques.L2
C411.2Explain encryption and decryption of different block ciphers.L2
C411.3Illustrate various public key cryptography techniques.L2
C411.4Evaluate the authentication and hash algorithmsL5
C411.5Define authentication applicationL1
C411.6What is the intrusion detection and its solutions to overcome the attacks.L1
COURSE: C412 : Software Architecture & Design Patterens
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C412.1Explain interrelationships, principles and guidelines governing architecture and evolution over time.L2
C412.2List the various architectural styles of software systems.L1
C412.3what is design patterns and their underlying object oriented concepts.L1
C412.4Discusse about implementation of design patterns and providing solutions to real world software design problems.L6
C412.5Develop the behavioral design patterns.L3
C412.6Compare three patterns with each other and understanding the consequences of combining patterns on the overall quality of a system.L4
COURSE: C413 : Web Technologies
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
C413.1Analyze a web page and identify its elements and attributes.L4
C413.2Create web pages using XHTML and Cascading Styles sheetsL6
C413.3Build dynamic web pagesL3
C413.4Build web applications using PHPL3
C413.5Develop Programming through PERL and RubyL3
C413.6Write simple client-side scripts using AJAXL2
COURSE: C414: Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C414.1The Learner is equipped with the knowledge of estimating the Demand and demand elasticity’s for productL2
C414.2The knowledge of understanding of the Input-Output-Cost relationships and estimation of the least cost combination of inputsL2
C414.3The pupil is also ready to understand the nature of different markets and Price Output determination under various market conditions.L2
C414.4The Learner is equipped with the knowledge of different Business Units.L2
C414.5The Learner is able to prepare Financial Statements and the usage of various Accounting tools for Analysis.L6
C414.6The Learner can able to evaluate various investment project proposals with the help of capital budgeting techniques for decision making.L5
COURSE: C415 : Mobile Computing
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C415.1Analyze Mobile Communications and its conceptsL4
C415.2Classify and explain Medium Access Control mechanismL2
C415.3Elaborate Mobile Network Layer and explain eachL6
C415.4Illustrate Mobile Transport Layer and Database IssuesL2
C415.5Distinguish Data Dissemination and SynchronizationL4
C415.6Organize Mobile Ad hoc Networks and Protocols and Platforms for Mobile ComputingL3
COURSE: C416 :Cloud Computing
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C416.1Define Cloud Computing and memorize the different Cloud service and deployment modelsL1
C416.2Explain importance of virtualization along with their technologiesL5
C416.3Examine and Use different cloud computing services& Introduce the broad perceptive of cloud architecture and modelL4
C416.4Illustrate some important cloud computing driven commercial systems such as Google Apps, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services and other businesses cloud applicationsL2
C416.5Develop metrics for different scheduling algorithms Status and trends of cloud computingL6
C416.6Explain google file system and storage models.L2
COURSE: C417 : Software Architecture & Design Patterens Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C417.1List the implementation of the software architecture of a Weather Mapping System (WMS). divided in 6 small components there are 1. Tool PresentationL1
C417.2Develop (WMS) in Use Case View, Logical View and Integrating Patterns in the Architecture.L3
C417.3Develop (WMS) in Implementation, Process, and Deployment Views, Component and Interprocess Communication Design and Implementation of WMS.L3
C417.4How to Draw design patterns in UML librarian senario, Abstract factory, Adapter-class, and Adapter-objecL1
C417.5How to Draw and implement design patterns in UML Strategy Design pattern , Builder Design pattern,Bridge Design pattern, Decorator Design pattern, and User gives a print command from a word document. Design to represent this chain of responsibility Design pattern, and Flyweight Design pattern.L1
C417.6How Draw Using UML design Facade Design pattern, Iterator Design pattern, Mediator Design pattern, Proxy Design pattern, Visitor Design patternL1
COURSE: C418: Web Technologies Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C418.1Develop static web sites using XHTML and java scriptsL2
C418.2Build web applications using XML and XSLTL3
C418.3Develop Dynamic Web content using java servlets and JSpL2
C418.4develop JDBC connections and implement a complete Dynamic web applicationsL2
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C421.1Define the distributed systems, Name the computing devices and list the challenges while designing the distributed systemsL1
C421.2Demonstrate the inter-process communication and interpret how the data is represented externally for communicationsL2
C421.3Identify the design issues with the remote method invocation(RMI) and make use of remote procedure callsL3
C421.4Examine the operating system in distributed systems ,identify the relationship between the process and a thread and identify the requirement for protection mechanismL3
C421.5Assess the importance, features and application of standrad protocols of the distributed systems for coordination and agreement among different peers and multicast communication.L5
C421.6Classify the transactions performed for a communication ,estimat the transaction with replicated data and Propose concurrency control in distributed transactions choose transaction recovery mechanismsL2
COURSE: C422 : Management Science
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C422.1Students are able to Define fundamental principles of management sciencesL1
C422.2Students are able to Estimate the dynamics of operation managementL5
C422.3Students are able to Describe functional management HRM, HRD and PMIRL2
C422.4Students are able to Draw the network of PERT & CPML3
C422.5Students are able to Prepare the elements of corporate planning and vision, mission, goalsL6
C422.6Students are able to Estimate contemporary management practices in modern business worldL5
COURSE: C423: Machine Learning
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C423.1List the characteristics of machine learning that make it useful to real-world Problems.L1
C423.2Explain the machine learning algorithms as supervised, semi-supervised, and Unsupervised.L2
C423.3Explain heard of a few machine learning toolboxes.L2
C423.4How to use Linear models and Distance Based Models for solving the real world problems.L1
C423.5How to Learn the concepts in Bayesian analysis from probability models and methods.L1
C423.6Demonstrate the concept behind neural networks for learning non-linear functions.L2
COURSE: C424: Concurrent and Parallel Programming
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C424.1To Understand the improvement of CPP concepts PresentedL2
C424.2To Analyse the Issues and Challenges in concurrent Programming and also in current trendsL4
C424.3To Define the Parallel alogrithms like sorting, ranking, searching, traversalsL2
C424.4To Demonstrate the Parallel programming paradigmsL2
C424.5To understand the concepts of OpenMP, OpenCL, Cilk++, Intel TBB, CUDAL4
C424.6To Analyse the Heterogeneous Computing: C++AMP, OpenCLL4