Course Outcomes

Electronics & Communication Engineering


Course Outcomes

COURSE: C111: English
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
CO1Displaying past culture, tradition, speaking English in real life situationsL3
CO2Determining the admonitions of a father to his daughter, answering a series of questions, greetings and leave takingsL3
CO3Summarizing  Stephen Hacking’s contribution, writing letters on various contexts , writing cover letters,  CVs, E-mail etiquette L2
CO4Explaining the struggles of Wangari Maathai’s life and seeking permissions, requesting, Inviting.L4
CO5Examining the life of Steve job’s life story and   formal writing academic proposals, research articles, Technical VocabularyL3
COURSE: C112: Mathematics – 1
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C112.1Utilize mean value theorems to real life problems.L3
C112.2Solve the differential equations related to various engineering fieldsL3
C112.3Solve the differential equations related to various engineering fields.L3
C112.4Familiarize with functions of several variables which is useful in optimization.L3
C112.5Apply double integration technique in evaluating areas bounded by the region.L5
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C113.1The advantages and limitations of plastic materials and their use in design would be understood. Analyze the different types of composite plastic materials and interpret the mechanism of conduction in conducting polymers.L1
C113.2Utilize the theory of construction of electrodes, batteries and fuel cells in redesigning new engineering products. Reasons for corrosion and some methods of corrosion control would be understood.L2
C113.3Semi-conductance phenomenon is better understood. The students would be now aware of materials like nano-materials and fullerenes and their uses. Similarly liquid crystals and superconductors are understood.L3
C113.4Analyze the principles of different analytical instruments and their applications and obtain the knowledge of spectroscopy and the students are exposed to non-conventional energy sources.L3
C113.5Obtain the knowledge of computational chemistry and molecular machines.L2
COURSE: C114 : Programming for problem solving using C
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C114.1Apply the fundamendals of Computer,C language and Comprehend the general structure of C ProgramL3
C114.2Make use of  Bitwise operators,Decission and  Looping statements to design efficient C program
construct for a givenproblem. 
C114.3Design an application using the concept of Arrays ,Strings,Enumerated,Structures and Union to solve real world problem L6
C114.4Apply the concept of Processor commands, pointer & it’s applicationsL3
C114.5Analyze the concept of functions and file management to support reusabilityL4
COURSE: C115 : Engineering Drawing 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C115.1Understand Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing& construct Polygons ,Engineering,curves,Scales as per given conditionsL3
C115.2Understand the Fundamentals of Ortthographic Projections &Draw the Projection of Points,lines under different conditionsL3
C115.3Draw the Projection of  Planes under different conditionsL3
C115.4Draw the Projection of Solids under different conditionsL3
C115.5Draw Orthographic view from Isometric view of simple objects and vice-versa, Understand Basic AutoCAD CommandsL3
COURSE: C116 :  English communicatiopn skills lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
CO1Explaining consonants, vowels, plural marker rules, past tense and pronunciation. L4
CO2Categorizing the rules of syllable, aspiration pronunciation rules, word stress and accent in poly syllabic word.L2
CO3Experimenting on Rhythm, tone and intonationL3
CO4Illustrating common errors in pronunciation and Accent neutralization.L4
CO5Writing news reports and practicing News paper reading.L6
COURSE: C117 : Programming for problem solving using c lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C117.1Identify the commonly used operations and apply control statements   L3
C117.2organize the data in one , two or multi dimentions arrays and also apply in-built string handling function  L3
C117.3Apply the pointers, memory allocation techniques on arrayL3
C117.4Analyzing the complexity of problems, Modularize the problems into small modules and then convert them into programs L4
C117.5Create file and store the real time data permenantly using filesL6
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C123.1Titrating the given sample to get quantitative analysis L4
C123.2Conductometric/potentiometric titration to get the neutralization point of the given sampleL6
C123.3Preparation of some complex compounds L6
COURSE: C121 : Mathematics -II
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C121.1Devolp the use of matrix alegbra techniques, system of linear algebric equations using gauss elimination, gauss Jordan,gaussseiedel.L5
C121.2Finding inverse and power of a matrix by caley-Hamilton theorem.L4
C121.3Evaluating approxmiating the roots of polynomial and transcendental equations by different algorithms.L5
C121.4Apply Newton’s forward & backward interpolation and Langranges formula for equal and unequal intervals.L3
C121.5Apply different algorithms for approximating the solutions of ordinary differential equations to its analytical computation.L3
COURSE: C122 : Applied physics
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C122.1Analyze the differences between interference and diffraction with applicationsL4
C122.2Describe the construction and working principles of various types of lasers and optical fibersL1
C122.3Identify the role of Schrodinger’s time independent wave equation in studying particle in one-dimensional infinite potential wellL3
C122.4Explain the concept of dielectric constant and polarization in dielectric materials and the concept of Hysteresis in magnetic materialsL2
C122.5Classify superconductors based on Meissner’s effectL2
COURSE: C123 : Object oriented programming through java
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C123.1 Illustrate the basic principles of the object-orientedprogrammingL2
C123.2Categeorize Inheritance and Polymorphism conceptsL4
C123.3Construct  GUI and event-drivenprogrammingL3
C123.4Evaluate I/O programming and explain Random access filesL5
C123.5Analyze multithreaded programmingL4
COURSE:  C124 : Network Analysis
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C124.1Explain the electrical network elements, parameters, their combinations, behavior, Laws, analysis, different A.C sources, parameters, Phasor representations, Analysis of networks. (Understanding i.e L1)L2
C124.2Analyze the transients using differential equations. (Analyzing i.e L4)L4
C124.3Explain the steady state analysis of A.C circuits from response, characteristic, and relations between different elements, complex number representations, and conversion of networks. (Understanding i.e L1)L2
C124.4Analyze the magnetically coupled inductive coils, resonance frequency, types of resonance circuits. Analyzingy different Network theorems to different electrical networks for responses. (Analyzing i.e L4)L4
C124.5Analyze the two port electrical networks for different sources. (Analyzing i.e  L4)L4
COURSE:C125 : Basic electrical engineering 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C125.1Relate spatially displaced armature windings for the generation of various magnetic fields in AC machinesL2
C125.2Identify different types of armature windings and winding factors for calculating induced EMF L3
C125.3Illustrate the electromagnetic laws for the operation of three phase synchronous and asynchronous machines. L2
C125.4Explain different tests for calculating the performance parameters of three phase induction motors. L2
C125.5: Explain the fundamental control practices like starting, reversing and speed control strategies for different applicationsL2
COURSE: C126 : Electronic workshop lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C126.1Identify the type of Diodes, Transistors, resistors,and capacitors Electronic Circuits based on syllabus.L3
C126.2Apply the knowledge of diodes, transistors and fiters for the designing the electronic circuits.L3
C126.3Interpret the mathematical models of current and voltage of diodes.L2
C126.4Analyze the characterstics of diodes,bipolar junction transistors.L4
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C127.1Identify the performance of DC machines and transformers. L3
C127.2 Explain  the DC shunt machines. L2
C127.3 Explain the performance of 1-phasetransformer.L2
C127.4Identify the tests on 3-phase induction motor and alternator to determine theirperformance characteristics.L3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C128.1Determine thickness of a paper with the concept of interferenceL3
C128.2Estimate the wavelength of LASER Source using diffraction gratingL3
C128.3Determine the resistivity of the given semiconductor using four probe methodL3
C128.4Calculate the band gap of a given semiconductorL3
C128.5Apply the relation between magnetic and electric fields by Stewart-Gees apparatusL3
COURSE: C129: Environmental science
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C129.1The concepts of the ecosystem and its function in the environment.  The need for protecting the producers and consumers in various ecosystems and their role in the food web.L1
C129.2The natural resources and their importance for the sustenance of the life and recognize the need to conserve the natural resources.L1
C129.3The biodiversity of India and the threats to biodiversity, and conservation practices to protect the biodiversity.L1
C129.4Various attributes of the pollution and their impacts and measures to reduce or control the pollution along with waste management practices.L1
C129.5Social issues both rural and urban environment and the possible means to combat the challenges. The environmental legislations of India and the first global initiatives towards sustainable development. About environmental assessment and the stages involved in EIA and the environmental audit.L1
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C211.1Explain the basic concepts and fundamentals of semi-conductor physics and characteristics of  PN junction diodeL2
C211.2Examine the characteristics of special diodes and the application of diodes as rectifiers with and without filters. L4
C211.3Explain the operation of BJT and FET with characteristics.L2
C211.4 Illustrate different biasing circuits using BJT and FETS to calculate stability parameters.L2
C211.5Summarize the design of small-signal low-frequency amplifier models for simple applications. L2
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C212.1Distinguish the number systems, boolean theorems and logical operationsL4
C212.2Explain  minimization techniques and combinational logic circuitsL2
C212.3Illustrate various combinational logic circuits and applicationsL2
C212.4Apply knowledge of flip-flops in designing of registers and counters.L3
C212.5Analyze innovative designs by following the traditional design techniquesL4
COURSE: C213 : Signals and Systems 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C213.1Illustrate the basic idea of signals and systemsL2
C213.2Analyze the frequency domain representation of signals using FS and FTL4
C213.3Analyze the systems based on their properties and determine the response of LTI and LTV SystemsL4
C213.4Apply sampling theorem to convert continuous time signals to discrete time signals.L3
C213.5Apply Laplace and z-transforms to Solve Signals and Systems  (continuous&discrete).L3
COURSE: C214 : Mathematics-III
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C211.1Interpret the physical meaning of different operators such as gradient,curl& divergence. Estimate the work done against a field,circulation and flux using vector calculusL5
C211.2Apply the Laplace transform for solving differential equationsL5
C211.3Compute the Fourier series of periodic signals & to apply integral expressions for the forwards and inverse Fourier transform to a range of non-periodic waveformsL3
C211.4Identify solutions methods for partial differential equations that model physical processesL3
C211.5Solve linear partial differential equations with constant coefficientsL3
COURSE: C215 : Random variables and stochastic process
Course Outcome Course Outcome StatementTaxonomy Level
C215.1Understand the axiomatic formulation of modern Probability Theory and think of random variables as an intrinsic need for the analysis of random phenomena..L2
C215.2Identify different types of random variables and compute statistical averages of these random variables.L2
C215.3Analyze the joint distribution and marginal distribution functions of multiple random variablesL4
C215.4Classify the random processes in the time and frequency domainsL4
C215.5Analyze the LTI systems with random inputs.L4
COURSE: C216 : OOPS through JAVA Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C216.1Identify classes, objects, members of a class and the relationship among them needed for a specific problemL3
C216.2Implement programs to distinguish different forms of inheritanceL3
C216.3Create packages and to reuse themL6
C216.4Develop programs using ExceptionHandling mechanismL3
C216.5Develop multithreaded application using synchronization concept.L3
C216.6Design GUI based applications using Swings and AWT. L6
COURSE: C217 :Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab
Course Outcome Course Outcome StatementTaxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C217.1Explain about analog meters, digital meters, RPS, DMM and CROL2
C217.2Utilize the voltage and current relationships of PN Diode and Zener diodeL3
C217.3Construct  and Develop efficiency and % regulations of Half wave and Full wave rectifiers with and without filtersL3
C217.4Construct  and Develop efficiency and % regulations of Half wave and Full wave rectifiers with and without filtersL3
C217.5Construct the different amplifier circuits for BJT and FETL3
COURSE: C218 : Switching Theory and logic design lab
Course Outcome Course Outcome StatementTaxonomy Level
C218.1Define the digital trainer Kit and associated equipment.L1
C218.2Understand the operations of different logic gates.L2
C218.3Analysis the working of Half adders and full Adders.L4
C218.4Examine the behavior of sequential circuits, multiplexers & de-multiplexers using digital IC’s.L4
C218.5Explain BCD to seven segment displays, Designing of various types of sequential circuits like flip flops, registers.L2
COURSE: C219 : Python programming
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C219.1Explain the basic essential programming skills of Python ProgrammingL2
C219.2Applythe knowledge of problem-solving skills on strings and its methodsL3
C219.3Solve coding tasks related to data structures in pythonand build the functions,modules, and packagesL3
C219.4Demonstrate the file operations and features of object – oriented programming in pythonL2
C219.5Develop GUI applications in Python and list types of exceptionsL3
COURSE: C221 : Electronic circuits analysis
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C221.1Ability to analyse small signal high freq transistor amplifier using bjt and fet L4
C221.2Ability to explain about the multistage amplifier using bjt and fet to determine frequency response and concept of voltage gain and differential amplifier using bjt (Understanding)L2
C221.3Ability to the classify concept of feedback amplifiers and its analysis (Understanding)L2
C221.4Ability to explain concept of different oscillator circuits for various frequencies L2
C221.5Ability to analyse different power amplifier circuits with performance comparision and  to analyse tuned amplifier circuits and their design (Analyzing)L4
COURSE: C222 : Digital IC Design
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C222.1Explain digital systems at several levels of abstractions, behavioral, structural and Dataflow.L2
C222.2Analyze and design basic digital circuits with combinational logic circuits using VHDL.L4
C222.3Analyze and design basic digital circuits with sequential logic circuits using VHDL.L4
C222.4Apply knowledge on basic combinational digital circuit using CMOS, nMOS, Pseudo nMOS, Pass transistor and Transmission gate logic.L3
C222.5Apply knowledge on basic sequential digital circuits using CMOS, Pass transistor and Transmission gate logic.L3
COURSE: C223 : Analog communications
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C223.1Outline the basics of communication systems and generation &detection of AM waves.L2
C223.2Distinguish different AM modulation schemes.L4
C223.3Explain  different FM modulator and demodulators.L2
C223.4Analyze the various functional blocks of radio transmitters and receivers.L4
C223.5Utilize  the performance of analog modulation schemes in presence of noise and acquire knowledge on analog pulse modulation schemes.L3
COURSE: C224 : Linear control systems
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C213.1Examine mathematical modeling of mechanical systemsL3
C213.2Analyze the transfer functions of a system using Block-diagrams and Signal flow graphsL4
C213.3Explain the stability of a system using various techniquesL2
C213.4Express the stability of a closed-loop system in frequency domainL2
C213.5Select state space analysis to model a system.L1
COURSE: C224 : Management and organizational behaviour
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C224.1After completion of course the student will develop the knowledge on management functions, global leadership and organizational structure.L3
C224.2Will explain with the concepts of functional management that is HRM and Marketing of new product developments.L2
C224.3The learner is able to think in strategically through contemporary management practices.L4
C224.4The learner can develop positive attitude through personality development and can equip with motivational theories.L3
C224.5The student can attain the group performance and grievance handling in managing the organizational culture.L3
COURSE: C226 : Electronic circuit Analysis  lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C226.1Identify the frequency response of different amplifier circuit.L3
C226.2Discover the frequency of oscillations for various oscillators.L4
C226.3Solve various analog circuits with the help of MultiSim.L3
COURSE: C227 : Analog communications lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
C227.1Explain the various parameters for CW modulated and demodulated signals.L2
C227.2Examine modulation and demodulation techniques through Matlab coding.L4
C227.3Build different operational blocks for modulation in Matlab Simulink.L3
COURSE: C228 : Digital IC Design Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C228.1Develop VHDL/Verilog HDL Source code for combinational and sequential circuits..L3
C228.2Examine the Simulation of combinational and sequential circuits using Xilinx Vivado software simulator.L4
C228.3Analyze the obtained simulation results using XST synthesizer.L4
C228.4Examine the Synthesize operations of combinational and sequential circuits L4
COURSE: C229 :  Soft skills
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
C229.1Use language fluently, accurately and appropriately in debates and group discussionsL3
C229.2Use their skills of listening comprehension to communicate effectively in cross-cultural contexts..L3
C229.3Learn and use new vocabulary..L3
C229.4Write resumes, project reports and reviews.L6
C229.5Show interview skills and develop soft skills.L2
COURSE: C2210: Constitution of india
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C2210.1Know the sources, features and principles of Indian Constitution.L2
C2210.2Learn about Union Government, State government and its administrationL2
C2210.3Get acquainted with Local administration and Pachayati RajL3
C2210.4Be aware of basic concepts and developments of Human Rights.L4
C2210.5Gain knowledge on roles and functioning of Election CommissionL2
COURSE: C311: Analog Ics and applications 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C301.1Determine various parameters of an operational amplifier and analyze three terminal regulators.L2
C301.2Analyze linear and non linear applications of Op-Amp.L4
C301.3Analyze the designing of active filters using an Op-amp.L4
C301.4Explain the working of multi vibrators using Specific application IC 555.L1
C305.5Examine the working principles of DATA converters (ADC &DAC)L3
COURSE: C312: Electromagnetic waves and transmission lines
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
C312.1Distinguish electromagnetic wave propagation in various transmission line geometries.L4
C312.2Illustrate the transmission line parameters and properties using smith chart.L2
C312.3Make use of  differential operators and co-ordinate systems required to understand the nature of EM fields in the space.L3
C312.4Summarize time varying Maxwell’s equations to study the behavior of electromagnetic waves.L2
C312.5Analyze  wave equations for E & H fields in different material media.L4
COURSE: C313: Digital communications
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomesBlooms Taxonomy level
C313.CO1Understand pulse digital modulation systems such as PCM, DPCM andDM.L2
C313:CO2Understand various digital modulation techniquesL2
C313:CO3Analyze the performance of a Digital Communication System for probability of error.L4
C313:CO4Analyze various source coding techniqueL4
C313:CO5Compute and analyze Block codes, cyclic codes and convolutioncodes.Design a coded communicationsystemL3
COURSE: C314: Computer organisation and Architecture
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
C314.1Explain the architecture of FPGAs, tools used in modeling of digital designL2
C314.2Apply verilog HDL programming structure for digital circuitsL3
C314.3Model complex digital systems at several levels of abstractionsL3
C314.4Develop a verilog programs for different sequential circuitsL3
C314.5Analyze a real time applications such as Vending machines and USB using verilog HDL L4
COURSE: C315: Elecronic measurements and instrumentation
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomesBlooms Taxonomy level
C315.1Apply the principles and characteristics of various instruments and classify the usage based on the requirements.L3
C315.2Analyze and describe the different signal generators and analyzersL4
C315.3Examine the different signal characteristics using OscilloscopesL4
C315.4Examine the magnitudes of different electronic components using various bridge circuitsL4
C315.5Demonstrate various types of transducers for measuring different parametersL2
COURSE: C316: Analog IC’s and Applications lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C316.1Demonstrate various linear and non linear applications of OP AMP.L2
C316.2Distinguish different multivibrators using IC555.L2
C316.3Examine the applications of PLL using IC 565.L3
C316.4Examine the specifications of convertersL3
COURSE: C317: Digital communications lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C317.1Examine time division multiplexing techniqueL3
C317.2Examine Pulse digital techniques like PCM & DML3
C317.3Illustrate different modulation schemes involving phase modulationL4
C317.4illustrate digital modulation scheme involving frequency modulationL4
C317.5Design the source coding techniques based on the concept of information theory.  L4
C317.6Evaluate  various error coding and detecting codesL5
COURSE: C318: Data structures using Java lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C318.1Explain basic concepts of data structure & algorithm.L2
C318.2Understand various aspects of stack, queue, list & graph.L2
C318.3Apply different searching & sorting techniques to solve the problem of data structure.L3
COURSE: C319: Indin traditional knowledge
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C319.1Identify the concept of Traditional knowledge and its importance.L4
C319.2Identify the concept of Traditional knowledge and its importance.L4
C319.3  IIllustrate the various enactments related to the protection of traditional knowledgeL2
C319.4Interpret the concepts of Intellectual property to protect the traditional knowledgeL2
C319.5Explain the importance of Traditional knowledge in Agriculture and Medicine.L2
COURSE: C321: Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C321.1Explain the basic fundamental concepts of 8086 MicroprocessorsL2
C321.2Explain different types of addressing modes & Interrupts concept using low level language like ALP.L2
C321.3Develop a micro computer with external peripherals & I/O devicesL3
C321.4Explain 8051 micro controller architecture & its functionalitiesL2
C321.5Distinguish between ARM & PIC microcontroller & discuss the architecture of ARM & discuss the architecture of ARM
& PIC micro controller
COURSE: C322: VLSI Design
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
CO1Understand the concepts related fabrication process of various MOS Technologies and problems related to electrical behavior of MOS Circuits.L2
CO2Applying acquired knowledge of scaling for keeping in view of various issues like delay, large capacitive loads, wiring capacitances etc.L3
CO3Understanding the behavior of amplifier circuits with various loads.L2
CO4Analyze the behavior of static and dynamic logic circuits in sequential and combinational logic circuits.L4
CO5Understanding the concepts of FPGA and in extension to introduction of Advanced technologies.L2
COURSE: C323: Digital signal processing
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C323.1Analyse the Discrete Time Signals and Systems in Time and Frequency Domain and Review of Z-Transforms.L4
C323.2Examine the properties of Discrete Fourier Series and Discrete Fourier Transforms and Explain the linear filtering methods based on DFT and FFT algorithms.L3
C323.3Illustrate the analog filter approximations techniques and various implementations of IIR digital filter structures.L3
C323.4Determine the different window techniques and frequency sampling techniques of FIR digital filterL3
C323.5Explain the programmable DSPs features and architectural features of different ARM processorsL2
COURSE: C324: Mobile and cellular communications
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C324.1Inspect the limitations of conventional mobile telephone systems.L4
C324.2Explain the concepts of cellular system.L2
C324.3Summarize the frequency management channel assignment strategies .L2
C324.4List out the concepts of hand off and architecture of various cellular systems.   L4
C324.5Explain the concepts of Digital cellular networksL2
COURSE: C325: Computer networks
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
CO325.1Distinguish the basic Network Models such as OSI & TCP/IP and Network Topologies for Communication. Classify the different types of Data Transmission Mechanisms in Physical LayerL4
CO325.2Compare the errors in data Transmission by means of CRC, Hamming Code etc. based on Various IEEE Standard Protocols.L4
CO325.3Illustrate the basic protocols used in transport layer and connection management in TCP and UDP protocols.L2
CO325.4Identify the shortest path between Transmitter & receiver and determine the proper usage of various routing protocols for different applications.L3
CO325.5Summarise the network based security for domain based systems those are suitable to email, world wide web applications. L2
COURSE: C326: Microprocessor and microcontrollers lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C326.1Ability to Analyze ALP for 8086 Microprocessor using Assembler Directive (ANALYZING)L4
C326.2Construct and write assembly language programs for 8086 microprocessors. (APPLYING)L3
C326.3Analyse interfacing techniques of various peripherals with 8086 microprocessors.   ( ANALYZING)            L4
C326.4Ability to Compare the 8086 microprocessors and  8051 microcontrollers (ANALYZING)L4
C326.5Construct and write assembly language programs for the 8051 microcontrollers.(APPLYING)L3
C326.6Analyze interfacing techniques of various peripherals with the 8051 microcontrollers.(ANALYZING)L4
COURSE: C327: VLSI Design lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
CO1Demonstrate the environment of Mentor graphics software and cmos logic circuits.L2
CO2Analyze and construct the cmos Logic schematic diagrams.L4
CO3Apply the commands to the Logic circuits and get the simulation results.L3
CO4Analyze and construct Layout of digital circuits and get the simulation results.L4
COURSE: C328 : Digital Signal Processing Lab
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C328.1Understand the mathematical operation on discrete signals.L2
C328.2Sketch the magnitude and phase response of DFT, Inverse DFT and FFT of discrete time signals.L3
C328.3Calculate linear and circular convolution of discrete sequencesL4
C328.4Analyse IIR and FIR digital filtersL4
C328.5Develop and Implement DSP algorithms in software using a computer language such as C with TI DSP Starter KitL3
COURSE: C329: ARM based/ Aurdino Based Programming
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C329.1Understand the Aurdino System-on-chip architecture using Assembly programL2
C329.2Analyze how to access Aurdino ports using Embedded C programL4
C329.3Conduct and Test Embedded program using a simulator and on AurdinoL4
C329.4Analyze Accelerometer interface techniquesL4
COURSE: C3210 :Research methodology
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C3210.1 Understanding and an insight of the various underlying concepts of research.L2
C3210.2Differentiate and establish a relationship between various research methods and sampling techniques.L4
C3210.3 Understand  Research designs , tools and techniques of gathering data.L2
C3210.3 Analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and explain how evidence gathered supports or refutes an initial hypothesis.L4
C3210.4 Apply the theoretical knowledge into practical dissertation work.L3
COURSE: C411: Optical communications
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C411.1Illustrate the elements of optical communication system and propagation of light through fibers.L2
C411.2Analyze the propagation characteristics of fiber and materials used for fabrication process.L4
C411.3Identify the different types of optical fiber connectors and splicing techniques are used for optical fibers.L3
C411.4Analyze different types of sources and photo detectors for coupling to various types of fibers.L4
C411.5 Interpret the design concepts of various analog and digital optical receiver models.L4
COURSE: C412: Satellite communications
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C412.1Explain the basic concepts of Satellite communicationsL2
C412.2Classify the concepts applications and subsystems of satellite communications.L2
C412.3Analyze the expression for G/T ratio and to solve some analytical problems on satellite link design.L4
C412.4Summarize the various types of multiple access techniques and architecture of earth station design.L2
C412.5Explain the concepts of GPS and its architecture.  L2
COURSE: C413: Radar engineering
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C413.1Explain the basic principle of radar and radar range Equation.L2
C413.2Classify the types of radars L2
C413.3Compare the different radar systems.L4
C413.4Understand the concept of tracking and different tracking techniquesL2
C413.5Illustrate the basic concepts of radar receiver and its displaysL2
COURSE: C414: Internet of things
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C414.1Explain Internet of Things (IoT). L2
C414.2Demonstrate various business models relevant to IoT. L2
C414.3Construct designs for web connectivity L3
C414.4Organize sources of data acquisition related to IoT, integrate to enterprise systems. L3
C414.5Demonstrate IoT with Cloud technologies. L2
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C415.1List the characteristics of machine learning that make it useful to real-world Problems. (Remembering)L1
C415.2Explain the machine learning algorithms as supervised, semi-supervised, and Unsupervised. (Understanding)L2
C415.3Explain heard of a few machine learning toolboxes. (UnderstandingL2
C415.4How to use Linear models and Distance Based Models for solving the real world problems.  (Remembering)L1
C415.5How to Learn the concepts in Bayesian analysis from probability models and methods. (Remembering)L1
C415.6Demonstrate the concept behind neural networks for learning non-linear functions. (Understanding)L2
COURSE: C416: Humanities and social science elective
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
CO1Exemplifying Human values with regard to social order and value L2
CO2Explaining social behavior and better understanding of human values and ethicsL4
CO3Preparing young generations to protect human integrity and respect for each other so that we can establish an ideal societyL3
CO4Experimenting on human thoughts process and finding solutions to establish universal brotherhood L4
CO5Role playing as an ideal citizen who has cross cultural knowledge to be fit into the modern world L6
COURSE: C417: Designer tools
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C421.1Formulate and apply mathematical, science and engineering principles to solve real time engineering problems.L2
C421.2Test the existing data, communicate and conduct research on complex problemsL2
C421.3Validate the obtained results on contemporary issues related to society L3
C421.4Determine effectively the engineering principles used in their project individuallyL3
C421.5Structure future work to promote life-long learning in the context of technologicalL5
 ACADEMIC YEAR :   2019-20 
Year -Semester : I-I 
    Name of the Subjecct :ENGLISH 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
CO111.1Displaying past culture, tradition, speaking English in real life situations.L3
CO111.2Determining the admonitions of a father to his daughter, answering a series of questions, greetings and leave takings.L3
CO111.3Summarizing  Stephen Hacking’s contribution, writing letters on various contexts , writing cover letters,  CVs, E-mail etiquette L2
CO111.4Explaining the struggles of Wangari Maathai’s life and seeking permissions, requesting, Inviting.L4
CO111.5Examining the life of Steve job’s life story and   formal writing academic proposals, research articles, Technical VocabularyL3
    Name of the Subjecct :Mathematics – I 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
CO112.1Utilize mean value theorems to real life problems.L3
CO112.2Solve the differential equations related to various engineering fieldsL3
CO112.3Solve the differential equations related to various engineering fields.L3
CO112.4Familiarize with functions of several variables which is useful in optimization.L4
CO112.5Apply double integration technique in evaluating areas bounded by the region.L3
    Name of the Subjecct :Applied Chemistry 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C113.1The advantages and limitations of plastic materials and their use in design would be understood. Analyze the different types of composite plastic materials and interpret the mechanism of conduction in conducting polymers.L1
C113.2Utilize the theory of construction of electrodes, batteries and fuel cells in redesigning new engineering products. Reasons for corrosion and some methods of corrosion control would be understood.L2
C113.3Semi-conductance phenomenon is better understood. The students would be now aware of materials like nano-materials and fullerenes and their uses. Similarly liquid crystals and superconductors are understood.L3
C113.4Obtain the knowledge of computational chemistry and molecular machines.L2
C113.5Analyze the principles of different analytical instruments and their applications and obtain the knowledge of spectroscopy and the students are exposed to non-conventional energy sources.L3
    Name of the Subjecct :Programming for Problem Solving Using C 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C114.1Discuss the basic rules of programming to construct algorithms, flowcharts, programs and to compile & debug programs in C.L2
C114.2Develop the various programs by using different types of operators, data types, two-way/ multi-way selection and iterative statementsL3
C114.3Demonstrate the usage of arrays, strings and various types of user defined data typesL2
C114.4Design and implements programs to analyze the different pointer applications and processor commandsL6
C114.5Make use of Files concepts and Standard functions, to decompose a problem into functions and to develop modular reusable codeL3
    Name of the Subjecct :Engineering Drawing 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C115.1Identify the use of various drawing instruments and to construct various types of polygons, curves and scales.L3
C115.2Explain the projections of points, lines and line inclined to both the planes and its traces.L2
C115.3Show  the projections of various types of plane surfaces in different positions with respect to reference planes.L2
C115.4Develop the projections of various types of solids in different positions with respect to reference planes.L3
C115.5Construct the 3D objects in 2D planes and vice versa and make use of Auto Cad to create the 2D and 3D objects.L6
    Name of the Subjecct :English Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C116.1Explaining consonants, vowels, plural marker rules, past tense and pronunciation. L4
C116.2Categorizing the rules of syllable, aspiration pronunciation rules, word stress and accent in poly syllabic word.L2
C116.3Experimenting on Rhythm, tone and intonationL3
C116.4Illustrating common errors in pronunciation and Accent neutralization.L4
C116.5Demonstrating word stress and accent in poly syllabic word.L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Applied Chemistry Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
Course Outcome
C117.1Explaining consonants, vowels, plural marker rules, past tense and pronunciation. L4
C117.2Categorizing the rules of syllable, aspiration pronunciation rules, word stress and accent in poly syllabic word.L2
C117.3Experimenting on Rhythm, tone and intonationL3
C117.4Illustrating common errors in pronunciation and Accent neutralization.L4
C117.5Demonstrating word stress and accent in poly syllabic word.L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Programming for Problem Solving Using C Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C118.1Discuss the basic rules of programming to construct algorithms, flowcharts, programs and to compile & debug programs in C.L2
C118.2Develop the various programs by using different types of operators, data types, two-way/ multi-way selection and iterative statementsL3
C118.3Demonstrate the usage of arrays, strings and various types of user defined data typesL2
C118.4Design and implements programs to analyze the different pointer applications and processor commandsL6
C118.5Make use of Files concepts and Standard functions, to decompose a problem into functions and to develop modular reusable codeL3
    Name of the Subjecct :Environmental Science 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C119.1The concepts of the ecosystem and its function in the environment.  The need for protecting the producers and consumers in various ecosystems and their role in the food web.L4
C119.2The natural resources and their importance for the sustenance of the life and recognize the need to conserve the natural resources.L5
C119.3Explain the biodiversity of India and the threats to biodiversity, and conservation practices to protect the biodiversity.L2
C119.4Various attributes of the pollution and their impacts and measures to reduce or control the pollution along with waste management practices.L5
C119.5Summarize Social issues both rural and urban environment and the possible means to combat the challenges. The environmental legislations of India and the first global initiatives towards sustainable development. About environmental assessment and the stages involved in EIA and the environmental audit.L2
    Name of the Subjecct :Mathematics – II 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C121.1Devolp the use of matrix alegbra techniques, system of linear algebric equations using gauss elimination, gauss Jordan,gauss seiedel.L3
C121.2Finding inverse and power of a matrix by caley-Hamilton theorem.L1
C121.3Evaluating approxmiating the roots of polynomial and transcendental equations by different algorithms.L5
C121.4Apply Newton’s forward & backward interpolation and Langranges formula for equal and unequal intervals.L3
C121.5Apply different algorithms for approximating the solutions of ordinary differential equations to its analytical computation.L3
    Name of the Subjecct :Mathematics – III 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C122.1Interpret the physical meaning of different operators such as gradient,curl& divergence. Estimate the work done against a field,circulation and flux using vector calculus.L2
C122.2Apply the Laplace transform for solving differential equations.L3
C122.3Compute the Fourier series of periodic signals & to apply integral expressions for the forwards and inverse Fourier transform to a range of non-periodic waveforms.L3
C122.4Identify solutions methods for partial differential equations that model physical processes.L3
C122.5Solve linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients.L3
    Name of the Subjecct :Applied Physics 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C123.1Understand the principles of optics phenomena like Interference, concepts of coherent sources.L3
Gain knowledge of physical optics phenomena like diffraction to design instruments with higher resolution.
Apply the principles of optics in Polarization, designing optical devices like Polarimeters and understand the Principles of Lasers.
C123.2Working knowledge of the Quantum Mechanics postulate on the physical system.L4
C123.3Identify the role of classical and  free electron theory in the study of electrical conductivityL3
C123.4Understand the physics of Semiconductors and their working mechanism.L2
C123.5Explain the applications of dielectric and magnetic materials . Apply the concept of magnetism to magnetic devicesL3
   Name of the Subjecct :Network Analysis 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C124.1Explain the electrical network elements, parameters, their combinations, behavior, Laws, analysis, different A.C sources, parameters, Phasor representations, Analysis of networks. L2
C124.2Analyze the transients using differential equations. L4
C124.3Explain the steady state analysis of A.C circuits from response, characteristic, and relations between different elements, complex number representations, and conversion of networks. L2
C124.4Analyze the magnetically coupled inductive coils, resonance frequency, types of resonance circuits. Analyzingy different Network theorems to different electrical networks for responses. (Analyzing i.e L4)L4
C124.5Analyze the two port electrical networks for different sources.L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Basic Electrical Engineering 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C125.1Relate spatially displaced armature windings for the generation of various magnetic fields in AC machines.L1
C125.2Identify different types of armature windings and winding factors for calculating induced EMF L3
C125.3Illustrate the electromagnetic laws for the operation of three phase synchronous and asynchronous machines. L2
C125.4Classify  different tests for calculating the performance parameters of three phase induction motors,model physical processes.L2
C125.5Explain the fundamental control practices like starting, reversing and speed control strategies for different applicationsL3
    Name of the Subjecct :Electronic workshop  
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C126.1To familiarize students with various Electronic devices and their specifications.L3
C126.2To distinguish between active and passive elementsL3
C126.3Develop skill for Design and Testing of different types of Electronic subsystems using Analog and Digital IC’sL2
C126.4Familiarize students with PCB layout tool to prepare PCB print for assigned project.L4
C126.5To understand the basic concept of Layout Creation.L3
    Name of the Subjecct :Basic Electrical Engineering Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C127.1Identify the performance of DC machines and transformers..L3
C127.2Explain  the DC shunt machines.L2
C127.3Explain the performance of 1-phasetransformer.L2
C127.4Identify the tests on 3-phase induction motor and alternator to determine theirperformance characteristics.L3
    Name of the Subjecct :Communication Skills Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C128.1Explaining consonants, vowels, plural marker rules, past tense and pronunciation. L4
C128.2Categorizing the rules of syllable, aspiration pronunciation rules, word stress and accent in poly syllabic word.L2
C128.3Experimenting on Rhythm, tone and intonationL3
C128.4Illustrating common errors in pronunciation and Accent neutralization.L4
C128.5Demonstrating word stress and accent in poly syllabic word.L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Applied Physics Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C129.1Apply the knowledge of interference ,determine wavelength of a source-diffraction grating, radius of curvature of plano convex lens using newton’s ringsL3
C129.2Analyze the knowledge of semiconductors determine energy gap of p-n junction diode, study of B-H curve,Hall voltage and Hall coefficients.L3
C129.3Explain the resolving power of telescope , grating and dispersive power of diffraction grating.L2
C129.4Analyze the variation of dielectric constant with temperature and also explain dielectric constant by charging and discharging method.L4
C129.5Analyze the characteristics of Thermistor- temperature coefficients.L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Engineering Exploration Project (C1210) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C1210.1Develop idea (s) and knowledge into tangible form in order to achieve some objective.L3
C1210.2Identify to enhance teamwork and interpersonal skills.L3
C1210.3To incorporate the ability to identify the need, convert it into an objective statement and come up with a solution.L3
C1210.4To understand and apply project management concepts.L3
C1210.5Take part in several design challenges and work towards the final prototypesL6
 II Year – ISemester 
    Name of the Subjecct :Electronics Devices and Circuits  
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C211.1summarize the Semiconductor physics concepts and also understand the formation of junctions in PN junction diodeL2
C211.2Explain the concepts of special diodes Like zener,tunnel,photo diode,LED,and know the working principal of rectifiers with and without filtersL2
C211.3Explain the operation of bipolar junction transistors and FETL2
C211.4Understand the need of biasing and also summarize  biasing conceptsL2
C211.5Analyze the small signal low frequency transistor amplifier models of FET and BJT.L4
COURSE NAME:Switching Theory and Logic Design (C212) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C212.1Distinguish the number systems, boolean theorems and logical operationsL4
C212.2Explain  minimization techniques and combinational logic circuitsL2
C212.3Illustrate various combinational logic circuits and applicationsL2
C212.4Apply knowledge of flip-flops in designing of registers and counters.L3
C212.5Analyze innovative designs by following the traditional design techniquesL4
COURSE NAME:Signals and Systems (C213) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C213.1Explain Characterize the signals and systems and principles of vector spaces, Concept of orthogonalityL2
C213.2Analyze the continuous-time signals and continuous-time systems using Fourier series, Fourier transform and Laplace transformL4
C213.3Apply samplingtheoremtoconvertcontinuous[1]timesignalstodiscrete-time signal and reconstruct back.L3
C213.4Understand the relationships among the various representations of LTI systemL2
C213.5Understand  the Concepts of convolution, correlation, Energy and Power density spectrum and their relationships. And Apply z-transform to analyze discrete[1]time signals and systemsL2
COURSE NAME:Random Variables and Stochastic Processes  (C214) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C214.1Explain Mathematically model the random phenomena and solve simple probabilistic problems.L2
C214.2Identify different types of random variables and compute statistical averages of these random variablesL3
C214.3Explain Characterize the random processes in the time and frequency domains.L2
C214.4Analyze the LTI systems with random inputs.L4
C214.5Apply these techniques to analyze the systems in the presence of different types of noise.L3
COURSE NAME:Object Oriented Programming through Java (C215) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C215.1Explain basics of Object Oriented ProgrammingL2
C215.2Analyze the concept of object, class, and this keywordL4
C215.3Distinguish the concepts of inheritance, exceptions,L3
packages and interfaces
C215.4Develop the programs using multithreadingL3
C215.5Develop the programs using applets and event handlingL3
COURSE NAME:Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis (C216) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C216.1Explain the Input -Output-Cost relationships and estimation of  the least cost  combination of inputsL2
C216.2Understand the nature of different markets and determine price output determination under various market conditionsL2
C216.3Exmine  different Business Units, market structures, pricing strategiesL4
C216.4Formulate Financial Statements and the Usage of various accounting tools for AnalysisL4
C216.5Evaluate various investment project proposals with the help of capital Budgeting techniques for decision makingL5
Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab (C217) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C217.1Analyze and interpret the characteristics of semiconductor devices.L4
C217.2Construct the voltage regulator using Zener diode.L3
C217.3Interpret the working of rectifiers.L4
C217.4Demonstrate measurements of voltage, frequency and phase by using CRO.L4
C217.5set up the amplifier by BJT and FET with different configurations.L5
Switching Theory and Logic Design – Lab  (C218) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C218.1Define the digital trainer Kit and associated equipment.L1
C218.2Understand the operations of different logic gates.L2
C218.3Analysis the working of Half adders and full Adders.L4
C218.4Examine the behavior of sequential circuits, multiplexers & de-multiplexers using digital IC’s.L4
C218.5Explain BCD to seven segment displays, Designing of various types of sequential circuits like flip flops, registers.L2
COURSE NAME: Constitution of India  (C219) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C219.1Understand historical background of the constitution making and its importance for building democratic IndiaL2
C219.2Understand the functioning of three wings of the government ie., executive, legislative and judiciaryL2
C219.3Understand the value of the fundamental rights and duties for becoming good citizen of India.L2
C219.4Analyze the decentralization of power between central, state and local self-government.L4
C219.5Apply the knowledge in strengthening of the constitutional institutions like CAG, Election Commission and UPSC for sustaining democracy.L3
COURSE NAME: Electronic Circuit Analysis (C221) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C221.1DAnalysis of small signal high frequency transistor amplifier using BJT and FET.L1
C221.2Analysis of multi stage amplifiers  using BJT and FET and Differential amplifier using BJT.L2
C221.3Derive the expressions for frequency of oscillation and condition for oscillation of RC and LC oscillators andL4
their amplitude and frequency stability concept.
C221.4Know the classification of the power amplifiers and their analysis with performance comparisonL4
C221.5Know the classification of the tuned amplifiers and their analysis with performance comparisonL2
COURSE NAME: Linear Control Systems  (C222) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C222.1Examine mathematical modeling of mechanical systemsL3
C222.2Explain the stability of a system using various techniquesL4
C222.3Express the stability of a closed-loop system in frequency domainL2
C222.4Select state space analysis to model a system.L1
C222.5Know the classification of the tuned amplifiers and their analysis with performance comparisonL1
COURSE NAME: Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines (C223 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C223.1Distinguish electromagnetic wave propagation in various transmission line geometries.L4
C223.2Illustrate the transmission line parameters and properties using smith chart.L2
C223.3Make use of  differential operators and co-ordinate systems required to understand the nature of EM fields in the space.L4
C223.4Summarize time varying Maxwell’s equations to study the behavior of electromagnetic waves.L2
C223.5Analyze  wave equations for E & H fields in different material media.L4
COURSE NAME: Analog Communications (C224) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C224.1Outline the basics of communication systems and generation &detection of AM waves.L2
C224.2Distinguish different AM modulation schemes.L4
C224.3Explain  different FM modulator and demodulators.L2
C224.4Analyze the various functional blocks of radio transmitters and receivers.L4
C224.5Utilize  the performance of analog modulation schemes in presence of noise and acquire knowledge on analog pulse modulation schemes.L3
COURSE NAME: Computer Architecture and Organization  (C225) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C225.1Explain basic organization of computer and ability to perform computer arithmetic operations. The memory organization that uses banks for different word size using different micro operations.L2
C225.2Demonstrate control unit operations and conceptualize instruction level parallelism and ability to understand control unit operations.L2
C225.3Illustrate the function of each element of a memory hierarchy and ability to understand the concept of cache mapping techniques.L2
C225.4Categorize memory organization and ability to understand the concept of I/O organization.L4
C225.5Identify and compare different methods for computer I/O mechanisms and ability to conceptualize instruction level parallelism.L3
COURSE NAME: Management and Organizational Behavior  (C226) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C226.1To summarize the knowledge on management functions, global leadership and organizational structure.L2
C226.2To understand the concepts of functional management that is HRM and Marketing of new product developments..L2
C226.3To demonstrate a clear understanding of the concepts, tools & techniques used by executives in developing and executing strategies and will appreciate its integrative and interdisciplinary natureL2
C226.4Demonstrate the applicability of the concept of organizational behavior to understand the behavior of people in the organizationL2
C226.5Analyze the complexities associated with management of the group behavior in the organization.L4
COURSE NAME: Electronic Circuit Analysis Lab (C227) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C227.1Define the digital trainer Kit and associated equipment.L1
C227.2Understand the operations of different logic gates.L2
C227.3Analysis the working of Half adders and full Adders.L4
C227.4Examine the behavior of sequential circuits, multiplexers & de-multiplexers using digital IC’s.L4
C227.5Explain BCD to seven segment displays, Designing of various types of sequential circuits like flip flops, registers.L2
COURSE NAME: Analog Communications Lab (C228) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C228.1Explain the various parameters for CW modulated and demodulated signals.L2
C228.2Examine modulation and demodulation techniques through Matlab coding.L4
C228.3Build different operational blocks for modulation in Matlab Simulink.L3
COURSE NAME: Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications  (C311) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C311.1Determine various parameters of an operational amplifier and analyze three terminal regulators.L2
C311.2Analyze linear and non linear applications of Op-Amp.L4
C311.3Analyze the designing of active filters using an Op-amp.L4
C311.4Explain the working of multi vibrators using Specific application IC 555.L1
C311.5Examine the working principles of DATA converters (ADC &DAC)L3
COURSE NAME: Microprocessor and Microcontrollers  (C312)  
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C312.1Develop the assembly language programs for different addressing modesL2
C312.2Perform 8086 interfacing with different peripherals and implement programsL3
C312.3Describe the key features serial and parallel communication.L3
C312.4Explain  Microcontroller for simple Applications.L4
C312.5Distinguish between architectures of various processors and controllers.L4
COURSE NAME: Digital Communications  (C313) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C313.1explain  the performance of different waveform coding techniques.L2
C313.2make use of  the digital representation of the signals.L4
C313.3explain  the probability of error for various digital modulation schemes.L2
C313.4Identify basic concepts of Information theory and source coding techniques for Communication Systems.L3
C313.5Classify  different parameters of source coding techniques.L3
COURSE NAME: Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation  (C314) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C314.1Apply the principles and characteristics of various instruments and classify the usage based on the requirements.L3
C314.2Analyze and describe the different signal generators and analyzersL4
C314.3Examine the different signal characteristics using OscilloscopesL4
C314.4Examine the magnitudes of different electronic components using various bridge circuitsL4
C314.5Demonstrate various types of transducers for measuring different parametersL2
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C314.1Demonstrate the behavior of Data Structures, Abstract, Data types, Searching, Sorting and determine the complexity analysisL2
C314.2Apply the concept of various linked lists and examine the advantages and disadvantagesL3
C314.3Examine the concepts of queues and Stacks along with their operationsL4
C314.4Illustrate  the usage of stacksL2
C314.5Simplify  the hierarchal data structures called treesL4
COURSE NAME: Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications – Lab  (C316)
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomesBlooms Taxonomy level
Students will be able to
C316.1Summarize functioning, parameters and Specifications of IC 741, IC 555, IC 565, IC 566, IC 1496.L2
C316.2Analyze and Develop various circuits using IC 741 op-amp for Linear and Non Linear applications.L4
C316.3Analyze and design amplifiers, active filters and waveform generators.L6
C316.4Analyze the various applications of 555 timer, IC 565 – PLL and IC 566 – VCOL4
C316.5Experiment with IC 78XX and 79XX to build dual power supply.L3
COURSE NAME: Digital Communications Lab  (C317) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C317.1Examine and analyze pulse analog and pulse digital modulated signals.L4
C317.2Analyze Digital modulated signals.L4
C317.3Aapply linear block codes and convolution codes and Companding technique for compressing and then expanding (or decompressing) an analog or DIGITALL3
C317.4Explain the performance of source and channel coding techniquesL2
COURSE NAME: Microprocessor and Microcontrollers – Lab  (C318) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C318.1Ability to Analyze ALP for 8086 Microprocessor using Assembler Directive (ANALYZING)L4
C318.2Construct and write assembly language programs for 8086 microprocessors. (APPLYING)L3
C318.3Analyse interfacing techniques of various peripherals with 8086 microprocessors.   ( ANALYZING)            L4
C318.4Ability to Compare the 8086 microprocessors and  8051 microcontrollers (ANALYZING)L4
C318.5Construct and write assembly language programs for the 8051 microcontrollers.(APPLYING)L3
C318.6Analyze interfacing techniques of various peripherals with the 8051 microcontrollers.(ANALYZING)L4
COURSE NAME: Mini Project with Hardware Development  (C319) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C319.1Choose proposal which is relevant to subject of engineering  L3
C319.2Design the system components and process and identify the engineering tools  L6
C319.3Use management skills and implement task, manages problems encountered, work as a team and present the work progressL3
C319.4Incorporate the suggestions made and manage resources and work as team.  L3
C319.5Develop a final product/ process, organize testing and conclude the suggested future scope .L3
COURSE NAME: Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge  (C3110) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C3110.1Identify the concept of Traditional knowledge and its importanceL4
C3110.2Explain the need and importance of protecting traditional knowledge.L2
C3110.3Illustrate the various enactments related to the protection of traditional knowledge.L2
C3110.4Interpret the concepts of Intellectual property to protect the traditional knowledge.L2
C3110.5Explain the importance of Traditional knowledge in Agriculture and Medicine.L2
COURSE NAME: Wired and Wireless Transmission Devices  (C321)  
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C321.1apply Maxwell’s equations and analyze wave propagation in Rectangular Wave Guide. understand the applications of the electromagnetic waves in free space.L3
C321.2Analyze the basic antenna parameters by applying the concepts and properties of electromagnetismL4
C321.3Analyze & design the linear antenna arrays.L4
C321.4Explain the various fields radiated by the microwave antennas.L2
C321.5Identify & Analyze the characteristics of radio wave propagation.L4
COURSE NAME:VLSI Design  (C322) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C322.1Summarize the fabrication process of various MOS technologies and to               Solve problems related to electrical behavior of MOS circuitsL2
C322.2Understand the concepts of stick diagrams and layouts in MOS technology. L2
C322.3Analyze scalable VLSI circuits keeping in view of various issues like delays, large capacitive loads , fan in.L4
C322.4Examining bout scaling concepts on MOS circuits.L4
C322.5Construct various applications using FPGA.L4
COURSE NAME: Digital Signal Processing  (C323) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C323.1Apply the difference equations concept on discrete- time systemsL3
C323.2Compute DFT and IDFT using DIT and DIF radix- 2 FFT algorithms.L2
C323.3Develop a digital IIR filter from the given specifications.L4
C323.4Illustrate the various IIR filter structures for the realization of the given system function.L2
C323.5 Explain a digital FIR filter from the given  specifications.L2
COURSE NAME: Cellular & Mobile Communication  (C324)  
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C324.1Explain the fundamentals of cellular radio system design and its basic elements.      L2
C324.2Analyse the concepts of different co-channel, non-co-channel interference and cellular coverage on signal & traffic of a designed system.L4
CO324.3 L3
Identify the various types of antenna system design suitable for mobile communications. 
CO324.4Analyse the different hand off & cell splitting techniques and dropped call rate at cell site area. L4
CO324.5Summarize the different types of second generation system architectures such as GSM, TDMA and CDMA for mobile communication systems. L2
COURSE NAME: MEMS and itsapplications  (C325) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C325.1Discover the overview of MEMS and Microsystems with broad category of MEMS & Micro system applications.L2
C325.2Demonstrate the working principles of MicrosystemsL2
C325.3Discuss the Scaling Laws in Miniaturization and Outline Materials for MEMS and MicrosystemsL2
C325.4Discuss the Micro system Fabrication Processes, different Micro manufacturing processes and Applications.L2
C325.5Identify the different types of RF switches, Various Switching Mechanism and their applications.L2
COURSE NAME: Internet of Things  (C326) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C326.1Explain  the basics, definition and vision of Internet of Things  (IoT),Understand the IOT architectural domains and relationships of an M2M system with an IoT system and explain the business process and colud computing in iotL2
C326.2Understand the Hardware Components- Computing- Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ARM Cortex-A class processor, Embedded Devices – ARM Cortex-M ,Cortex-M0 Architecture, Block Diagram, Instruction Set, ARM and Thumb Instruction SetL2
C326.3Analyse Communication, IoT Applications, Sensing, Actuation, I/O interfaces.Software Components- Programming API’s  (using Python/Node.js/Arduino) for Communication Protocols,Bluetooth overview, Bluetooth Key Versions, Bluetooth Low Energy  (BLE) Protocol, BLE architecture and Component OverviewL4
C326.4Discuss the Implementation of Device integration, Data acquisition and integration, Device data storage Unstructured data storage on cloud/local server,Authentication, authorization of devices.L2
C326.5Use the iot concepts to IoT case studies and mini projects based on Industrial automation, Transportation, Agriculture,Healthcare, HomeAutomationL3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C327.1Demonstrate the environment of Mentor graphics software and cmos logic circuits.(Understand)L2
C327.2Analyze and construct the cmos Logic schematic diagrams.(Analyze)L4
C327.3Apply the commands to the Logic circuits and get the simulation results.(Applying)L3
C327.4Analyze and construct Layout of digital circuits and get the simulation results.(Analyze)L4
COURSE NAME: Digital Signal Processing Lab  (C328) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C328.1Understand the mathematical operation on discrete signals.L2
C328.2Sketch the magnitude and phase response of DFT, Inverse DFT and FFT of discrete time signals.L3
C328.3Calculate linear and circular convolution of discrete sequences.L4
C328.4Analyse IIR and FIR digital filtersL4
C328.5Develop and Implement DSP algorithms in software using a computer language such as C with TI DSP Starter KitL3
COURSE NAME: Intellectual Property Rights  (IPR) & Patents  (C329) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C329.1Interpret the Concept of IPR Importance and mechanisms.L2
C329.2Utilize knowledge regarding copyrights to get them registered.  L3
C329.3Identify the filing procedure of patents and role of Patent Cooperation Treaty.  L3
C329.4Analyze rights and responsibilities of holder of Trademarks and Likelihood of Confusion – Dilution of Ownership.L4
C329.5Illustrate the concepts of trade secrets and cyber laws.  L2
COURSE NAME: Microwave and Optical Communication EngineeringC411)
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C411.1Analyze the operation of Microwave O-type tubes like Klystron, Reflex Klystron etc.L4
C411.2Make use of  and calculate the S-parameters for different microwave junctions and components.L3
C411.3Identify the different types of optical fiber connectors and splicing techniques are used for optical fibers.L3
C411.4Analyze different types of sources and photo detectors for coupling to various types of fibers.L4
C411.5Analyze and measure various microwave parameters such as Microwave Power, VSWR, Impedance, Frequency and Attenuation using Microwave test bench.L4
COURSE NAME: Data Communications & Computer networks  (C412) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
CO412.1Distinguish the basic Network Models such as OSI & TCP/IP and Network Topologies for Communication. L4
CO412.2Classify the different types of Data Transmission Mechanisms in Physical Layer.L2
CO412.3Compare the errors in data Transmission by means of CRC, Hamming Code etc. based on Various IEEE Standard Protocols.L4
CO412.4Illustrate the basic protocols used in transport layer and connection management in TCP and UDP protocols.L2
CO412.5Identify the shortest path between Transmitter & receiver and determine the proper usage of various routing protocols for different applications.L3
COURSE NAME:Digital Image and Video Processing  (C413) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C413.1Explain the digital image, representation of digital image, importance of image resolution, applications in image processing and to Explain the advantages of representation of digital images in transform domain, application of various image transforms.L2
C413.2To explain how an image can be enhanced by using histogram techniques, filtering techniques etc and image degradation, image restoration techniques using spatial filters and frequency domainL2
C413.3Make  use of segmentation process to know detection of point, line and edges in images, edge linking through local processing, global processing and Understand the redundancy in images and make  use the concept of Image compression to know various image compression techniquesL3
C413.4To understand the video technology from analog color TV systems to digital video systems, how video signal is sampled and filtering operations in video processingL2
C413.5To demonstrate the general methodologies for 2D motion estimation and Application of motion estimation in Video codingL2
COURSE NAME: Communication Standards andProtocols  (C414) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C414.1Illustrate various communication and communication networking types and their characteristics.L2
C414.2Identify OSI  communication layers and their applicationsL2
C414.3Examine wired communication protocols and Inspect their advantages and disadvantages, applicationsL4
C414.4Analyze various wireless communications protocols and their advantages and disadvantages and applicationsL4
C414.5Categorize various network types and Routing algorithm and its applicationsL4
COURSE NAME: EmbeddedSystems  (C415) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
 Students will be able to 
C415.1Understand the concepts of embedded systems.(Understanding)L2
C415.2Understand of concepts in Embedded Hardware Design.(Understanding)L2
C415.3Understand the Embedded Firmware Design concepts.(Understanding)L2
C415.4 Examine the different concepts of  RTOS.(Analyzing)L4
C415.5Applying acquired knowledge to Embedded System Development procedure.(Applying)L3
COURSE NAME: Internet of Things LAB  (C416) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
 Students will be able to 
C416.1Understand the concept of Internet of ThingsL2
C416.2Implement the interfacing of various sensors with Arduino/Raspberry Pi/Node MCUL3
C416.3Demonstrate the ability to transmit data wirelessly between different devices.L4
C416.4Set up a Bluetooth Smart connection between the PSoC BLE kit and a smart phone and use an app to send and receive dataL4
COURSE NAME: Microwave and Optical Communication Engineering LAB  (C417)
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
 Students will be able to 
C417.1Make use of Microwave sources and iidentify the characteristics for the transmission of the microwave signal.L3
C417.2Experiment with waveguide components and Determine various parameters for them.L3
C417.3Demonstrate characteristics of various light  Sources.L3
C417.4Determine various measurements for optical Links.L3
C417.5Utilize antenna available to determine radiation pattern.L3
COURSE NAME: Project – Part I  (C418) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
 Students will be able to 
C418.1Outline detailed study of topic assignedL2
C418.2Organise a literature survey using latest journals in the preferred field of studyL4
Course Outcome codeCOURSE NAME: Wireless Communication  (C421) 
Course OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
 Students will be able to 
C422.1Explain About Various Wireless Communication Concepts Like 2G,3G,4G Wireless Communication.
C422.2Analyze   CDMA Process And Related Topics Of Wireless CommunicationL2
C422.3Analyze The   Multiple-Input Multiple-Output  of Wireless CommunicationL4
C422.4Apply OFDM Concept To Wireless CommunicationL4
C421.5Explain About Satellite Wireless System Like  Transponders And Geostationary SatellitesL3
COURSE NAME: Cyber Security &Cryptography  (C422) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
Students will be able to 
422.1Able to identify security risks and take preventive stepsL2
C422.2To understand the forensics fundamentals.L2
C422.3To understand the evidence capturing process and Analyze various tools.L4
C422.4To understand the preservation of digital evidence and APPLY various tools in collection of digital evidenceL3
C422.5To Understand and implement various Acts in cyber crime and to implement laws in cyber crime.L2
COURSE NAME: Project – Part II  (C423) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C423.3Develop a detailed plan for conducting project including teamworkL3
C423.4Build a detailed analysis/modelling/simulation/design/problem solving as neededL3
C423.5Develop a final product/process ,organize testing and show thesis to review panel and explain the workL2
 ACADEMIC YEAR :   2018-2019 
Year -Semester : I-I 
    Name of the Subjecct :ENGLISH 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C111.1Classify and compare different resources to serve the needs of the society in different ways.L2
C111.2Apply road safety measures in day to day life in different modes of transport and Write paragraphs effectively.L3
C111.3Apply science and technology in inventing latest engineering tools to discern their advantages and disadvantages.L3
C111.4Choose viable and alternative sources of energy to tide over the crisis of depleting sources.L5
C111.5 Grasp the significance of bio-diversity and ecological balance like preservation of Flora and Fauna and enhance skills in writing.L2
C111.6Identify safety measures against hazards at home, labs, industry and work places as well and familiarize themselves with office etiquette, ethics and enhance skills in writing.L4
Name of the Subjecct :MATHEMATICS-I 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C112.1Solve linear differential equations of first order.L3
C112.2Solve linear differential equations of second and higher order.L3
C112.3Determine Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform of various functions and use them to determine general solution to linear ODE.L2
C112.4Calculate total derivative, Jocobian and minima of functions of two variables.L4
C112.5Analyze solutions of first order partial differential equations, Linear (Lagrange) equation and Nonlinear (standard types) equations.L4
C112.6Classifying Higher order partial equations and examine their nature.L4
Name of the Subjecct :   MATHEMATICS-II (NM&CV) 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C113.1Calculate a root of algebraic and transcendental equations by various numerical methods.L3
C113.2Explain relation between the finite difference operators and compute interpolating polynomial for the given data.L2
C113.3To know how to solve  ordinary differential equations numerically using differnet numerical methods.L3
C113.4To understand the concept of complex variables, C-R equations and harmonic functions L2
C113.5To analyze the complex functions with reference to their analyticity, integration using Cauchy’s integral theorem and writing different types of expansions of complex functions.L4
C113.6Demonstrate capacity to mode physical phenomena using PDE’s and to Apply problem solving using concepts and techniques from PDE and Fourier analysis applied to diverse situation in physics, engineering mathematics.L3
Name of the Subjecct :APPLIED PHYSICS 
Course Outcome CodeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C114.1Understand the principles of optics phenomena like Interference, concepts of coherent sources.L2
C114.2Gain knowledge of physical optics phenomena like diffraction to design instruments with higher resolution.L2
C114.3Apply the principles of optics in Polarization, designing optical devices like Polarimeters and understand the Principles of Lasers.L3
C114.4Analytical concepts of EM Waves and their propagation.L4
C114.5Working knowledge of the Quantum Mechanics postulate on the physical system.L3
C114.6Understand the physics of Semiconductors and their working mechanism.L2
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C115.1Illustrate the basic concepts of ComputersL2
C115.2Analyze the mathematical and Scientific problems using fundamentals of C.L4
C115.3Utilize control Structures and Arrays in solving complex problems.L3
C115.4Develop modular programs to solve problems using control structures,Arrays and strings.L3
C115.5Apply the pointers concepts for allocating and deallocating memory dynamically.L3
C115.6 Develop real time applications using the concepts Structures, Unions and file  operationsL3
    Name of the Subjecct :ENGINEERING DRAWING 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C116.1Construct polygons,ellipse,cycloids and involutes.L3
C116.2Explain the orthographic projections and points.L2
C116.3Determine  true length and true inclination  of stright lines.L2
C116.4Develop projections of plane surfaces inclined to either one or both reference planes.L2
C116.5Develop projection of solids inclined to one reference plane L2
C116.6Develop the orthographic projections and imagine the components by isometric projection by representing three dimensional objects in 2D in technical and engineering drawings.L3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C117.1English Communication skills lab helps students become sucessful in the competative world.L3
C117.2The course motivates the students to elevate their interpersonal skills.L4
C117.3This chapter will develop day to day communication. L3
C117.4This chapter will enhance their spoken skills by learning phonoticsL3
C117.5This chapter will enhance their spoken skills by learning phonoticsL3
C117.6This chapter will enhance their spoken skills by learning stress and intonation.L3
    Name of the Subjecct :APPLIED/ ENGINEERING  PHYSICS LAB 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C118.1Understand the principles of optics phenomena like Interference, concepts of coherent sources.L3
C118.2Gain knowledge of physical optics phenomena like diffraction to design instruments with higher resolution.L3
C118.3Apply the principles of optics in Polarization, designing optical devices like Polarimeters and understand the Principles of Lasers.L3
C118.4Analytical concepts of EM Waves and their propagation.L4
C118.5Working knowledge of the Quantum Mechanics postulate on the physical system.L3
C118.6Understand the physics of Semiconductors and their working mechanism.L4
    Name of the Subjecct :APPLIED/ ENGINEERING  PHYSICS LAB 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C118.1Understand the principles of optics phenomena like Interference, concepts of coherent sources.L3
C118.2Gain knowledge of physical optics phenomena like diffraction to design instruments with higher resolution.L3
C118.3Apply the principles of optics in Polarization, designing optical devices like Polarimeters and understand the Principles of Lasers.L3
C118.4Analytical concepts of EM Waves and their propagation.L4
C118.5Working knowledge of the Quantum Mechanics postulate on the physical system.L3
C118.6Understand the physics of Semiconductors and their working mechanism.L4
    Name of the Subjecct :COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LAB 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C119.1Develop a C program for Control the sequence  instructions in the program and give logical outputsL3
C119.2Develop a C program for Store different data types in the same memoryL3
C119.3Utilize control Structures and Arrays in solving complex problems.L3
C119.4Apply code reusability with functions and pointersL3
C119.5 Understand the basics of file handling mechanismsL2
C119.6Analyze the uses of pre-processors and various memory modelsL4
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C1110.4Students will able to identify the hardware components to apply knowledge for computer assembling and software installation.L3
C1110.5students will able to solve the trouble shooting problems.L3
C1110.6How does a search engines works.To apply the tools for preparation of PPT, Documentation and budget sheet etcL3
    Name of the Subjecct :ENGLISH-II 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C121.1Learn that the very purpose of education is to enhance knowledge and wisdom.L2
C121.2Develop global harmony and peaceful co-existence among people and society.L3
C121.3Discover different cultures due to globalization and manage different cultural shocks.L4
C121.4Examine out-dated traditions in society with the application of wisdom.L2
C121.5 Learn to protect environment for peaceful existence of future generations and learn report writing for  media.L2
C121.6Get influenced by eminent personalities and build luminous future successfully with their inherent passion, interest and burning desire in their areas of interests.L1
    Name of the Subjecct :MATHEMATICS-III 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C122.1Find Rank and Solve the linear system of equations by using different methods.L3
C122.2Find the eigen values and eigen vectors and also finding inverse and power of a matrix by using Cayley Hamilton theorem. And also diagonalise the matrix by using various methods. Finding Rank, Index, Signature and Nature of a Quadratic form.L1
C122.3Tracing the curve for the given equation, evaluate the double and triple integrals by direct methods, change of order of integration and change of variables.L4
C122.4Evaluate the given integrals by using Beta and Gamma functions.L5
C122.5Find the gradient of a scalar field, divergence and curl of vector field and vector identities.L1
C122.6Evaluate the line, surface and volume integrals. Solve the problems using Vector integral theorems.L5
    Name of the Subjecct :Applied Chemistry 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C123.1The advantages and limitations of plastic materials and rubber their use in design would be understood.L2
C123.2Fuels which are used commonly and their economics, advantages and limitations are discussed.L1
C123.3 Reasons for corrosion and some methods of corrosion control would be understood.L2
C123.4The students would be now aware of advanced materials and their uses.L2
C123.5The students would be now aware of crystal structures and semiconductors.L3
C123.6The students are exposed to some of the alternative fuels and their advantages and limitations.L3
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C124.1Students are able to understand the operation of DC generator, DC motor, 3-point starter and speed control methods. Students are able to analyse the performance of transformer.L4
C124.2Students are able to explain the operation of 3-phase alternator and 3-phase induction motors.L2
C124.3Students are able explain the working principles and construction of various measuring instruments.L2
C124.4Illustrate the working of IC Engines and Renewable energy resourcesL2
C124.5Categorize the different modes of heat transferL4
C124.6Explain the types of power transmission systems and joining methodsL2
    Name of the Subjecct :ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C125.1Explain the eco system and it’s function in the EnvironmentL2
C125.2Aware the importance of natural resources and it’s conservationL2
C125.3Analyzes the diversity of life on Earth and it’s importanceL4
C125.4Execute different programs in eco friendly wayL3
C125.5Describe the different laws to protect our EnvironmentL4
C125.6Conduct research in safe and Responsible manners communicating the Environmental subjects more effectivelyL3
    Name of the Subjecct :DATA STRUCTURES 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C126.1Summarize different data structures and Implement ADT’s on Arrays,Polynomials.L2
C126.2Demonstrate Stacks, Queue and can Evaluate Expressions L2
C126.3Design Linked lists using Dynamic memory managementL2
C126.4Apply data structures into the applications such as binary search trees,Threaded binary treesL3
C126.5Estimate distance between paths using Shortest path algorithms  & Minimum Spanning treeL2
C126.6Choose various sorting techniques for given problem .L2
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C127.1Develop better understanding of titrationL2
C127.2Explain the difference between solubility and dissociation in water and Apply this knowledge to acids and basesL2
C127.3Estimate the hardness of water in terms of calcium and magnesium ionsL5
C127.4Apply safety rules in practice of laboratory investigationsL3
C127.5Analyze the strength of acids and bases by using conductometric titrationL4
C127.6Explain the different instrumental methods of chemical analysisL4
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C128.1Classify the students to participate in Debate as a competitive event.L2
C128.2Analyze the students actively participate in group discussions following all the rules and using proper expressions.L4
C128.3Explain the students to impart various skills in making various types of presentations.L2
C128.4Evaluate the students for an interview, the final stage in the selection process.L5
C128.5Analyze the students with  email writing , techniques and etiquette, to guide the students to write CV to suit different contexts.L4
    Name of the Subjecct :COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LAB 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C129.1  Summarize the fundamentals of C programming.L3
C129.2 Choose the loops and decision making statements to solve the problem. L3
C129.3 Apply different Operations on arrays and StringsL3
C129.4 Create functions to solve the given problem. L4
C129.5 Explain pointers, structures and unions.L2
C129.6 Apply  file Operations in C programming for a given applicationL3
    Name of the Subjecct :Electronic Devices and Circuits 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C211.1Explain the basic concepts and fundamentals of semi conductor physics.L2
C211.2Examine the characteristics of  PN junction diode and other special diodes.L4
C211.3Apply the application of diodes as rectifiers with and without filters.L3
C211.4Explain the operation of BJT and FET with characterstics.L2
C211.5 Illustrate different biasing circuits using BJT and FETS to calculate stability parameters.L2
C211.6Summarize the design of small signal low frequency amplifier models for simple applications.L2
    Name of the Subjecct :Switching Theory and Logic Design 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C212.1Classify the numbers of different radix and  convert from one radix to another radix. L4
C212.2 Explain the switching algebra theorems and apply them to implement logic functions.L2
C212.3Analyze various combinational circuits like decoders, encoders, multiplexers, and de-multiplexers, arithmetic circuits (half adder, full adder, multiplier etc).L3
C212.4Explain the concepts of programmable logic devices(PLDs).L4
C212.5Illustrate the knowledge of sequential logic design, analyze the operation of flipflops, registers and counters.L2
C212.6 Identify capabilities and limitations of finite state machine.L2
    Name of the Subjecct :Signals and Systems 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C213.1Distinguish diffrent signals and systems L2
C213.2Apply Fourier transform to the continuous-time signals to convert time domain to frequency domainL3
C213.3Analyze sampling process for band limited signals and reconstruct back L4
C213.4Understand the concept of convolution, correlation and various representation of LTI SystemsL2
C213.5Analyze Laplace transform of certain continuous time signalsL4
C213.6Distinguish between Laplace Transforms, Z- Transforms with Fourier TransformsL2
    Name of the Subjecct :Network Analysis 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C214.1Explain the electrical network elements, parameters, their combinations, behavior, Laws, analysis, different A.C sources, parameters, Phasor representations, Analysis of networks. L2
C214.2Explain  the steady state analysis of A.C circuits from response, characteristic, relations between different elements, complex number representations, conversion of networks.L2
C214.3Analyze the magnetically coupled inductive coils, resonance frequency, types of resonance circuits.L4
C214.4Apply different Network theorems to different electrical networks for responses. L4
C214.5Analyze the two port electrical networks for different sources. L4
C214.6Analyze the transients using differential equations. L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Random Variables & Stochastic Process 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C215.1Ability to model the random phenomena mathematically and solve simple probabilistic problems  . L3
C215.2Ability to classify different types of random variables and calculate their statistical parameters .    L2
C215.3Ability to Show multiple random variables and  Calculate  their statistical parameters .    L4
C215.4Ability to categorize the random processes and computation of statistics in the time domain  .  L4
C215.5Ability to Illustrate frequency domain Characteristics of the random processes . L4
C215.6Ability to analyze the types of noise modeling noise sources, analyze the LTI system for random inputs .L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C216.1Develop the knowledge of estimating the Demand and demand elasticity’s for product.                                       .L2
C216.2Analyze the Input-Output-Cost relationships and estimation of the least cost combination of inputsL4
C216.3 Classify the the nature of different markets and Price Output determination under various market conditions.L2
C216.4Interpret the knowledge of different Business Units.L2
C216.5Make use to prepare Financial Statements and the usage of various Accounting tools for Analysis.L3
C216.6Analyze the various investment project proposals with the help of capital budgeting techniques for decision making. L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Electronic Devices and Circuits lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C217.1 Measure voltage,frequency and phase of any waveform using CRO, Generate sine, square and triangular waveforms with required frequency and amplitude using function generatorL5
C217.2Analyze the characteristics of different electronic devices such as diodes, transistors etc., and simple circuits like rectifiers, amplifiers etc.,L4
C217.3Compare and classify oscillators and various amplifiers. L2
C217.4Measure voltage,frequency and phase of any waveform using CROL5
    Name of the Subjecct :Network & ET Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C218.1Analyze RLC circuits and understand resonant frequency and Q-factor.L4
C218.2Apply network theorems to analyze the electrical network.L3
C218.3Explain the performance of dc shunt machine.L2
C218.4Analyze the performance of 1-phase transformer. .L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Electronic Circuit Analysis 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C221.1Design and illustrate the basic high frequency transistor amplifier models.L2
C221.2Build and compare the design aspects to perform frequency- response analysis of  multistage amplifiers.L3
C221.3Illustrate the design aspects relevant to positive and negative feedback amplifiers circuits.L2
C221.4Classification and design of different types of oscillators based on the condition for oscillations.L4
C221.5Demonstrate the working principle and characteristics of different types of power amplifiers.L2
C221.6Analyze the design aspects of tuned amplifiers to perform desired frequency response.L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Control Systems 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C222.1Analyze the effect of feedback in physical, electrical and mechanical systems and calculate their transfer functions . L4
C222.2 Model the Transfer function of AC, DC Servo motors using Block diagram reduction and signal flow graph techniques.  L3
C222.3Apply the concepts of time response analysis on first and second order systems. L3
C222.4Analyze the absolute and relative stability of LTI systems using Routh-Hurwitz criterion and Root Locus method.L4
C222.5Examine the stability of LTI systems in frequency domain using Bode, Polar and Nyquist plots.L4
C222.6Design Lag, Lead, Lead-Lag compensators to improve system performance and apply the concepts of controllability and observability .L3
    Name of the Subjecct :Electromagnetic Wave and  Transmission lines 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C223.1Demonstrate  various laws of electric and magnetic fields.L2
C223.2Analyze  knowledge about the dynamic electric and magnetic fields, relation between them (Maxwell’s Equations) and the boundary conditions across media boundaries.L4
C223.3Explain  Maxwell’s equations to obtain wave equations and determine the propagation parameters of uniform plane wave in free space.L2
C223.4Examine the phenomena of wave propagation in different media and discuss the applications of Poynting theorem. L4
C223.5Demonstrate and analyze basic properties of transmission lines and its wave propagation. L2
C223.6Solve  simple impedance matching transmission line sections and find different parameters using smith chart .L3
    Name of the Subjecct :Analog Communications 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C224.1Distinguish various Analog modulation and demodulation schemes and their characteristics.L4
C224.2Demonstrate a good background in analysing the block diagram of communication system.L2
C224.3Examine various functional blocks of radio transmitters and receivers.L4
C224.4Plan simple analog system for various modulation technique .(Applying)L3
    Name of the Subjecct :Pulse and Digital Circuits 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C225.1Classify the linear wave shaping circuits using   R, L, C elements  L2
C225.2Analyze different types of the clippers and clampers circuitsL4
C225.3Apply the knowledge to switching characteristics of devices and construct bistablemultivibrator using different parameters        L3
C225.4Analyze the different  multivibrators for various applications           L3
C225.5Demonstrate time base generators and its sweep circuits            L2
C225.6Examine  the logic gates and sampling gates using diodes and  transistors  L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Management Science 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C226.1Apply the concepts & principles of management in real life industry and develop the organization structure for an enterprise. L3
C226.2Compare the Operations management techniques, Quality Control, Work-study principles in real life industry.L2
C226.3Apply the concepts of HRM in Recruitment, Selection, and Training & Development and also marketing management. L3
C226.4Develop PERT/CPM Charts for projects of an enterprise and estimate time and cost of project.  L4
C226.5List out the Mission, Objectives, Goals, strategies for an enterprise in dynamic environment.L2
C226.6Classify the modern management techniques MIS, ERP, MRP, JIT, TQM, CMM, SCM, BPO, BPR, Bench Marking and Balance Score Card wherever possible.L2
    Name of the Subjecct :Electronic Circuit Analysis lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C227.1Classify  various negative feedback amplifiers and calculate different amplifier parameters.L4
C227.2Develop  sinusoidal oscillators for a given frequency.L3
C227.3Analyze the behaviour of different power amplifier circuits for audio frequency applicationsL4
C227.4Summarize  the frequency response of different Tuned Amplifier CircuitsL2
    Name of the Subjecct :Analog Communications lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C228.1Analyze of static electric fields & Maxwell’s EquationsL4
C228.2Analyze of static magnetic fields and  boundary conditions. Develop Maxwell’s Equations in  Time Varying Fields.L4
C228.3Identify the Wave propagation characteristics in different Medias.L3
C228.4Evaluate Power relations in different mediums.L5
C228.5Identify Characteristics of a transmission lines parametersL3
C228.6Apply the Characteristics of a transmission lines on elements and Determine parameters using Smith ChartL4
    Name of the Subjecct :Computer Architecture and Organization 
Course CodeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Student will be able  to
C311.1Explain basic organization of computer and ability to perform computer arithmetic operations.L2
C311.2Dsign memory organization that uses banks for different word size using different micro operations.L4
C311.3Demonstrate control unit operations and conceptualize instruction level parallelism and ability to understand control unit operations.L2
C311.4Illustrate the function of each element of a memory hierarchy and ability to understand the concept of cache mapping techniques.L2
C311.5Categorize memory organization and ability to understand the concept of I/O organization.L4
C311.6Identify and compare different methods for computer I/O mechanisms and ability to conceptualize instruction level parallelism.L3
    Name of the Subjecct : Linear IC Applications 
Course CodeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Student will be able  to
C312.1Identify and Construct the different types of differential amplifiers(Applying) 
C312.2Understand the characteristics of operational amplifiers and compensation Techniques (Understanding)L2
C312.3Explain the different types of applications using operational amplifiers and develop the Applications. (Applying and Understanding) 
C312.4Analyze and design of active filters using operational amplifiers (Anlyzing) 
C312.5Explain the Uses of IC 555&IC 556 for advanced applications such asPLL, VCOs (Remembering &understanding)L2
    Name of the Subjecct : Digital IC Applications 
Course CodeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Student will be able  to
C313.1Explain the structure of commercially available digital integrated circuit families. 
C313.2Identify the Design flow, Program structure, levels of abstraction, VHDL Basic Elements L3
C313.3Explain the Sequential and Concurrent Statements in VHDL. 
C313.4Analyze and design basic digital circuits with combinational logic circuits using VHDL. 
C313.5Analyze and design basic digital circuits with Sequential logic circuits using VHDL. L4
C313.6Explain the Design Steps of FSM.L2
    Name of the Subjecct : Digital communication 
Course CodeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Student will be able  to
C314.1Understand basic pulse digital modulation schemes of Digital Communication Systems.L2
C314.2Discuss various Digital Modulation techniques.L2
C314.3Analyze the error performance of Digital Modulation TechniquesL4
C314.4Apply information theory and source coding techniques to increase coding efficiency.L3
C314.5Analyze various source coding techniques and capacity of analog, digital and Gaussian channelL4
C314.6Identify error detection and error correction capabilities of linear block and convolution codes.L3
    Name of the Subjecct : Antenna and Wave Propogation 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C315.1Explain the radiation mechanism of an antenna and basic antenna parameters.  L2
C315.2Apply Maxwell’s equations to quantify the fields radiated by thin linear wire antennas.L3
C315.3Classify  different types of antenna arrays in accordance with desired directional properties.L2
C315.4Analyze UHF, Microwave antennas and summarize the antenna measurement techniques.L4
C315.5Compare the performance parameters of different types of Non-resonant, VHF, UHF and Microwave antennas. L2
C315.6Outline the characteristics of radio wave propagation.L2
    Name of the Subjecct :Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C316.1.Apply the  concept in the analyzing of Linear and nonlinear wave shaping  L4
C316.2Classify the logic gates and sampling gates.L4
C316.3Design multivibrators and schmitt trigger from the given specifications  .L6
C316.4Analyze various Oscillators and sweep circuits. L4
    Name of the Subjecct : Linear IC Applications lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C317.1Explain the Functioning, Parameters andSpecifications of IC741, IC555, IC565, IC566 andIC1496. L2
C317.2Analyze and construct op-amp circuits for linear applications with the given specifications. L4
C317.3Analyze and construct op-amp circuits for Non-linear applications with the given specifications. L4
C317.4Analyze and Design various types of Active filters by using Op-amp. L4
C317.5Experiment with monostable and astable circuits uing IC555 Timer, Construct PLL using IC565 and construct VCO using IC566. L3
C317.6Examine different types of regulators using op-amp. L4
    Name of the Subjecct :  Digital IC Applications lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C318.1Illustrate the  Logic Gates using VHDL .L2
C318.2Constructthe Combination Circuitsusing VHDL.L3
C318.3Constructthe Sequential Circuitsusing VHDL.L3
C318.4Develop ALUL3
    Name of the Subjecct : Professional Ethics & Human Value 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C319.1Apply the moral template inculcating the core human values for transformation into an ethical human being.L3
C319.2Utilize the principles of engineering ethics for development of professionalism and professional competencies and also to solve moral dilemmas.L2
C319.3Explain and understand accountability, engineering codes and experimental nature of engineering.L2
C319.4Build  the responsibility and accountability of a professional engineer towards design, operation, safety, by adopting risk benefit analysis.L3
C319.5Classify the  issues pertaining to individual rights, collegiality, moral dilemmas and conflicts while discharging their professional duties.L2
C319.6Analyse cross cultural issues in different ethical domains by acquiring knowledge on intellectual property rights in the context of globalization.L4
    Name of the Subjecct : Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 
Course CodeCourse OutcomeTaxonomy Level
Student will be able  to
C321.1understand the Architecture, Pin diagram, Minimum mode, maximum mode, System timing diagrams and interrupts of 8086 MicroprocessorL2
C321.2Design and Develop various assembly language programs by using the addressing modes and the Instruction set.L3
C321.3Develop the memory interfacing problems and interfacing various modules like 8254 Timer, Interrupt controller, DMA, IO devices, ADC/DAC and Stepper motor with 8080 Microprocessor.L3
C321.4Explain the special purpose registers, memory organization and different operating modes of 80386 & 80486.L2
C321.5Illustrate the 8051 architecture, SFRs and various interfacing modules of 8051 Microcontroller and also Develop sample programs using ALP.L3
C321.6Explain the memory, timers, parallel and serial IOs, interrupts & architecture of PIC 16F877.L2
    Name of the Subjecct : Microwave Engineering 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C322.1Simplify Acquire knowledge of transmission lines and waveguide structures and their usage as elements in impedance matching and filter circuits. L4
C322.2Explain the performance of Wave Guides and Resonators.L2
C322.3Make use of and calculate the S-parameters for different microwaveL3
junctions and components.
C322.4Analyze the operation of Microwave O-type tubes like Klystron, Reflex Klystron etc.L4
C322.5Build    the operation of Microwave tubes like magnetron, travelling wave tube etc.L3
C322.6Summarize the performance of Solid State Microwave Devices, likeL2
IMPATT, TRAPATT diodes. Analyze and measure various microwave parameters such as Microwave Power,VSWR,Impedance, Frequencyand Attenuation using Microwavebench.
    Name of the Subjecct :VLSI  Design 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C323.1Gain knowledge about operation, Explain fabrication process of various MOS device.L2
C323.2significance of design rules in the design and layout of CMOS circuits L3
C323.3Show the impact of scaling on semiconductor technology and its and subsequent effect on device parameters L2
C323.4Develop of subsystems like combinational and sequential circuits (L3
C323.5Interpret different approaches of semi-custom VLSI designs based on FPGand ASICs                                                                                       L2
C323.6Demonstrate  the parameters of low power CMOS logic circuits. L3
    Name of the Subjecct :Digital Signal Processing 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C324.1Review of discrete time signals and systemsL2
C324.2Apply DFS, DFT, and FFT on discrete time signalsL3
C324.3Analyze IIR and FIR FiltersL4
C324.4Develop FIR and IIR structures by Z-transformL3
C324.5Perform sampling rate conversions on different applicationsL3
C324.6Discuss the architecture of DSP Processors and their peripheralsL2
    Name of the Subjecct :OOPS through Java 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C325.1Explain basics of Object Oriented ProgrammingL2
C325.2Analyze the concept of object, class, and this keywordL4
C325.3Distinguish the concepts of inheritance, exceptions,L3
packages and interfaces
C325.4Develop the programs using multithreadingL3
C325.5Develop the programs using applets and event handlingL3
C325.6Develop the programs using AWT componentsL2
    Name of the Subjecct :Microprocessors & Microcontrollers lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C326.1Ability to Analyze ALP for 8086 Microprocessor using Assembler Directive          L4
C326.2Develop and write assembly language programs for 8086 microprocessor. L5
C326.3Analyze interfacing techniques of various peripherals with 8086 microprocessor.                L4
C326.4Ability to Differentiate the 8086 microprocessors and  8051 microcontrollers                     L2
C326.5Develop and write assembly language programs for the 8051 microcontrollers.L5
C326.6Analyze interfacing techniques of various peripherals with the 8051L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Vlsi Design lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C327.1Demonstrate the environment of Mentor graphics software and cmos logic circuits.L2
C327.2Analyze and construct the cmos Logic schematic diagrams. L4
C327.3 Apply the commands to the Logic circuits and get the simulation results. L3
C327.4Analyze and construct Layout of digital circuits and get the simulation results. L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Digital Communications lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C328.1Apply the real application using digital modulation techniques.  L3
C328.2Analyze the different types of shift keying techniques . L4
C328.3Analyze linear and convolution block codes encoder and decoder  .LL4
    Name of the Subjecct :IPR & Patents 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C329.1Explain  the real property law with Intellectual property law.L2
C329.2Outline the subject matters of copyright and could able to demonstrate the registration procedure and infringement consequences.L2
C329.3Make use of Rights and Limitations under Patent Law and could make new inventions and developments in Patent Law.L3
C329.4Under  the Trade Mark Registration Process, maintenance, Inter parties Proceedings, Infringement, Ownership of Trade Mark and Litigations.L2
C329.5Utilize maintaining Trade Secret, Physical Security, Employee Access Limitation, Employee Confidentiality Agreement of Trade Secret LawL2
C329.6Understand the concepts of the Cyber Law, Cyber Crime, Ecommerce, Data Security, Confidentiality, Privacy and International aspects of Computer and Online Crime.L2
    Name of the Subjecct :RADAR SYSTEMS 
Course CodeCourse OutcomeTaxonomy Level
Student will be able  to
C411.1Illustrate basic radar block diagram and discuss the parameter variations of radar range equation.L2
C411.2Compare the Doppler concept in CW and FMCW radars.L4
C411.3Explain the operating principle of MTI radar and tracking techniques.L2
C411.4Classify various types radar antennas and their arrays used in radar communication.L4
C411.5Summarize detection characteristics of radar antennas in presence of noise. L2
C411.6Examine the functionalities of various radar receivers, scopes and duplexers in the radar system.L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Digital Image Processing 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C412.1  Infer the fundamental concepts of Digital Image Processing and apply various transforms on images useful for image processing applications. L3
C412.2  Apply spatial and frequency domain filtering on images and can make use of all smoothing and sharpening operations on images. L3
C412.3  Analyze  various techniques for image restoration & reconstruction using various filtering techniques.  L4
C412.4  Compare various coding techniques used for achieving image compression and develop image processing techniques based on wavelet transforms.  L4
C412.5  Interpret the fundamental concepts of Morphological Image Processing and Image Segmentation for better image recognition and description.  L2
C412.6  Apply different color conversion techniques for effective processing of color images. L3
    Name of the Subjecct :Computer Networks 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C413.1Distinguish the basic Network Models such as OSI & TCP/IP and Network Topologies for Communication. L4
C413.2Classify the different types of Data Transmission Mechanisms in Physical Layer.L2
C413.3Compare  the errors in data Transmission by means of CRC, Hamming Code etc. based on Various IEEE Standard Protocols.L3
C413.4Illustrate the basic protocols used in transport layer and connection management in TCP and UDP protocols.L2
C413.5Identify the shortest path between Transmitter & receiver and determine the proper usage of various routing protocols for different applications.L3
C413.6Summarise the network based security for domain based systems those are suitable to email,world wide web applications. L2
    Name of the Subjecct :Optical Communications 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C414.1Illustrate the elements of optical communication system and propagation of light through fibers.L2
C414.2Analyze the propagation characteristics of fiber and materials used for fabrication process.L4
C414.3Identify the different types of optical fiber connectors and splicing techniques are used for optical fibers.L3
C414.4Analyze different types of sources and photo detectors for coupling to various types of fibers.L3
C414.5 Interpret the design concepts of various analog and digital optical receiver models.L4
C414.6Explain  point to point fiber optic link and obtain the performance through different measurement techniques. L2
    Name of the Subjecct :Electronics Switching System 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C415.1Ability to understand the switching systems and Summarize the Difference between manual switching and automatic switchingL2
C415.2Ability to Design different types of stored program control devices (in different modes) and Design multi-stage switching structures involving time and space switching stages.L3
C415.3Ability to Familiar with the parameters of switching signals and evaluating the time and space parametersL2
C415.4Ability to Discuss the different types of Signaling Techniques and different types of networks in telecommunications.L3
C415.5Ability to Find the traffic capacity and solve the methods of traffic dataL4
C415.6Ability to Analyze the New services in TelecommunicationsL4
    Name of the Subjecct :Embedded Systems 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C416.1Explain the concepts of embedded systems. L2
C416.2Demonstrate the concepts of Embedded Hardware Design. L2
C416.3Demonstrate the Embedded Firmware Design concepts. L2
C416.4 Explain the concepts of RTOS. L2
C416.5Applying acquired knowledge in Embedded System Development procedure. L3
C416.6Examine the knowledege and skills necessary to construct and develop ES applications or Integrating Hardware and Firmware Based on RTOS.  L4
    Name of the Subjecct :MWE &OC Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C417.1 Determine characteristics of various microwave devicesL3
C417.2Determine various parameters of various waveguide componentsL3
C417.3Experiment on antenna design using simulatorL3
C417.4Demonstrate characteristics of various light sourcesL3
C417.5Determine various measurements for optical linksL3
    Name of the Subjecct :DSP Lab 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C418.1Apply the  concept in the analyzing of discrete time systems L4
C418.2Classify the signals and operations of signals .L4
C418.3Construct a digital filter ((FIR&IIR) from the given specifications  .L3
C418.4Analyze  various techniques for image restoration & reconstruction using various filtering techniques. L4
    Name of the Subjecct :Cellular and Mobile Communications 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C421.1Explain the fundamentals of cellular radio system design and its basic elements.L2
C421.2Analyse the concepts of different co-channel, non-co-channel interference and cellular coverage on signal & traffic of a designed system.L4
C421.3 L3
Identify the various types of antenna system design suitable for mobile communications.
C421.4Distinguish the number of radio channels, channel assignment and frequency management used in mobile communications.L4
C421.5Analyse the different hand off & cell splitting techniques and dropped call rate at cell site area. L4
C421.6Summarize the different types of second generation system architectures such as GSM, TDMA and CDMA for mobile communication systems. L2
    Name of the Subjecct :Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C422.1Analyze the performance characteristics of each instrument. L4
C422.2Explain about different types of signal analyzers. L2
C422.3Explain the basic features of oscilloscope and different types of oscilloscopes. L2
C422.4Analyze the fundamental measurement method of resistance, capacitance, inductance, frequency etc. by using various a.c bridges and other techniques.L4
C422.5Explain the working principle, selection criteria and applications of various transducers used in measurement systems. L2
C422.6Explain the Measurement of various physical parameters . L2
    Name of the Subjecct :Satellite Communication 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C423.1Explain the fundamentals of satellite communications and its evolution.L2
C423.2Classify the Orbital types, parameters and discuss various types of launch vehicles.L2
C423.3Identify various Satellite subsystems such as AOCS, TTC &M, Power Systems, and Satellite Antennas.L3
C423.4Categorize different multiple access methods, calculate satellite link power budget and its constituent parameters.L4
C423.5Summarize the requirements of earth station, low earth orbit and geo stationary satellite system.L2
C423.6Demonstratethe satellite Navigation, Triangulation of GPS and differential GPS. L2
    Name of the Subjecct :Operating Systems 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to 
C424.1Analyze the structure of Operating systems and basic architectural components involved in Operating system design, identify system call and their importance.L4
C424.2Illustrates how the processes interact with other processes and provide a good communication path for the processes to execute, Design various scheduling algorithms.L2
C424.3Categorize and  Contrast various memory management schemes, Identify the necessity of virtual memory managementL4
C424.4To gain knowledge on the Operating system concepts that include architecture, mutual exclusion algorithms, deadlock detection algorithms, and, agreement protocols, Apply the principles of concurrency.L2
C424.5Identify how the files are accessed and shared, Interpret different file system structures and file allocation methods.L1
C424.6Understand the Android Operating system internally and should perform administrative tasks on Linux servers.L2
    Name of the Subjecct :PROJECT 
Course Outcome codeCourse OutcomeBlooms Taxonomy Level
Students will be able to
C425.1Apply  different  Technical engineering  principles  L3
C425.2Plan, analyze, design a software & Hardware project and demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in speech and writing.L3
C425.3Propose any new model over the selected field of research that will be useful for future activities.L6
C425.4utilize  the both software & hardware development cycle with emphasis on different processes -requirements, design, and implementation phases L3
C425.5apply different  verilog and embeded development process models and how to choose an appropriate one for a project.L3
C425.6Construct , design  and implement a working, medium sized project with their team.L6