February 15, 2022 2024-11-26 6:40Sh HOD
Science & Humanities

Science & Humanities HoD

Professor K Nagesh has been with us for the last 7 years as an Assistant Professor and Head of Department of the Science & Humanities.
He has prepared and handled courses for the S&H department, such as:
- Object Oriented Programming through Java. ( 8 Times )
- Python Programming ( 2 Times )
- C Programming. ( 16 Times)
- Object Oriented Programming through C++. ( 2 Times )
- Data Structures. ( 4 Times )
- Web Technologies (HTML, CSS). ( 3 Times)
- Data Warehousing and Data Mining. ( 6 Times )
- Database Management Systems. ( 1 Time )
- Principles of Programming Languages. ( 1 Time )
- Software Engineering. ( 1 Time )
- Computer Networks. ( 1 Time )
- Operating Systems. ( 1 Time )
- Advanced Data Structures. ( 1 Time )
1. Received certificate of appreciation from NPTEL as NPTEL DISCIPLINE STAR – DEC-2020
2. letter of appreciation is awarded in mentoring 10 students for the NPTEL course Data Mining during the semester Jan-Apr-2020
3. letter of appreciation is awarded in mentoring 4 students for the NPTEL course Machine Learning, ML during the semester Jan-Apr
4. Certificate of merit in Data Science using Python Assessment test on 23-05-2020, Jeppiaar Institute of Technology associate with GUVI.
5. Certificate of Appreciation from L4G – COURSERA for Campus
6. Achievement letter from Lecture Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd for crossing 1000 views.
1. The Indian Society for Technical Education, Life member lm58373, 2008.
2. CSI Membership 00174247, 2009.
3. The International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Membership- 232778, 2018-19.
1. Ratified by JNTU Kakinada
2. Qualified in JNTUK Ph.D entrance test
3. Got 1621 rank in PGECET – 2007
4. Got 706 rank in BCA entrance test – 1998